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科目: 來源: 題型:

【題目】假定英語課上老師要求同桌之間交換修改作文,請你修改你同桌寫的以下作文。文中共有10處語言錯(cuò)誤, 每句中最多有兩處。每處錯(cuò)誤僅涉及一個(gè)單詞的增加、刪除或修改。


刪除:把多余的詞用斜線(\ )劃掉。




Dear friends,

How time flies! I am Li Jin, president of the Student Union of Chenguang Middle School. It's my great privilege to be here, share this moment with our fellow friends from the UK.

During the two-week activities, we sure exchanged our ideas on learning, ways of life, PE and cultures. One of the highlight was the sports meeting where we competed for each other in the basketball match. The past two weeks have witnessed our grow and friendship. It is not only your enthusiasm but also your teamwork and good spirits which impress us. After the two-week exchange activities, we now have better understanding of each other on a whole new level. But I sincerely hope our friendship will last forever. Wish you all the best!

Thanks you.


科目: 來源: 題型:


If you come across an 85-year-old woman walking slowly with a walker in the Children's Hospital of Soochow University, don't take her as a patient. Instead, she is a doctor 1 still insists on working in the hospital.

Sheng Jinyun, born in 1935, a renowned expert in pediatric asthma, 2( treat) about 30,000 children suffering asthma till now. She is known 3 “the most beautiful grandma doctor” by others. 4 (current), she still sees 40 patients every day. Sheng has always stuck to her post despite suffering two fractures. A month ago, she began limping because of 5 fall. So now she can only walk with the help of walker.

“Others don't understand me. In their eyes,I m supposed to live a 6( peace) life in this old age. 7 as long as I'm clear -minded, I can prescribe (開處方) well and make no mistakes. I want to cure more 8 (child),” said Sheng . Though 9( award) the lifelong achievement physician in pediatrics” at the 24th Congress of Chinese Pediatric Society in this October, Sheng seems not proud at all. “It's only a piece of paper to me.” When asked what she would like to do next, the doctor said the most urgent thing is 10 (pass) on her experience. She plans to write a book about the case reports over the decades .


科目: 來源: 題型:

【題目】 No matter what field you are in, there will likely come a time when you have to give a powerful speech to friends, colleagues, or even complete strangers. 1 However, being able to give great speeches is often a necessity for those looking to achieve success. Here are a few tips to help you make the entire process easier.

1. Get in the Right Mindset

Visualize yourself before your speech succeeding to help calm your nerves. 2 And you should remember that people want to see you succeed, they don't want to see you fail. If you get in the right mindset, you will find the rest comes much easier than you may imagine.

2. 3

Make sure that you focus on the point of your speech and the message that you are trying to get across. Don't worry about focusing on the fact that you are giving the speech or any of the props or visual aids that you may have. If you get nervous or stutter during your speech, don't apologize and just fix your attention on your speech.

3. Do Your Research

When it comes to preparing for your speech, it is not only important that you research the topic but that you research your audience as well. Know who you are speaking to. Also if you are able to greet some of the audience members and speak with them before hand, this is a great way to break the ice and feel more comfortable while speaking. 4 Make sure you also research the room. Arrive early so you feel comfortable in the room, and practice with the microphone or any equipment you will be using.

4. Practice

It may seem like a simple and rather obvious tip, but unfortunately, adequate practice is something that many people today avoid when it comes to speaking in public . 5, but it means practicing out loud,standing up in a similar position while giving your speech. Make sure that you practice in front of both the mirror and the audience.

A.Focus on the Point

B.Develop a Strong Message

C.Make sure you take several deep breaths before giving your speech

D.Practicing does not just mean reading the speech over and over again

E.Thus you won't feel as though you are speaking to a room of strangers

F.You may feel stiff, tight or uncomfortable when you are about to speak

G.There are many people struggling with the process of writing and delivering speeches


科目: 來源: 題型:


1How has social media changed our life according to the talk?

A.People are more connected than before.

B.People are more confused than ever.

C.People are not as happy as they used to be.

2Why might social media be an effective tool for small companies?

A.It encourages social discussions.

B.It changes the way we get our news.

C.It provides a cheap way to advertise.

3What is the speaker^ attitude towards social media?



科目: 來源: 題型:


1What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A.Their favorite sports.

B.The best game they ever saw.

C.Childhood sports memories.

2What sport did the man use to play?

A.Baseball.B.Basketball.C.American football.

3Why does the woman suggest watching the team from Oakland?

A.She likes the coach.

B.The players are the best.

C.Their live games are shown online.


科目: 來源: 題型:


1Why does the woman think the other driver is angry?

A.He shook his fist at them.B.He shouted at them.C.He broke their window.

2What does the woman tell Jerry to do?

A.Continue telling his story.B.Go a little faster.C.Focus on driving.


科目: 來源: 題型:

【題目】What does the woman mean?

A.Their kids will be a great help.

B.They will work harder than now.

C.She hardly has time to clean the house.


科目: 來源: 題型:

【題目】Where does the conversation probably take place?

A.At an airport.B.In a post office.C.In a shopping center.


科目: 來源: 題型:


David Katz was upset by all the plastic going into the ocean. To help solve the problem, he had a 1createidea to treat plastic like money. Mr. Katz calls his idea the "plastic Bank". The goal of the Plastic Bank is to use plastic to help people solve the problems 2(gradual. The Plastic Bank adds a value to plastic waste by paying people to recycle it.

The program began in 2015 in Haiti, a poor island nation with many 3problemof waste plastic. The Plastic Bank has 30 "markets" in Haiti. At the Plastic Bank markets, people can exchange the plastic they've collected for 4they need. The Plastic Bank markets sell lots of things that local people need. The stores also allow plastic collectors to use the money they earn to pay 5health care or school.

To make sure that the plastic 6recycle, the Plastic Bank works with partners, who agree 7usethe plastic that is collected. When customers buy these products, which are labeled "Social Plastic", they know that they are both helping people in other parts of the world 8keeping plastic out of the ocean. So far, the Plastic Bank 9keepabout 7 million pounds of plastic out of the ocean. It makes a great 10contributeto the ocean.


科目: 來源: 題型:

【題目】 Impolite cellphone users are anywhere where there's a cellphone signal.1. Could that be you? Follow our expert phone rules to avoid being rude and annoying.

●Know where not to use your phone. 2, so avoid talking on your cellphone or having it ring while in such places as hospitals, libraries and movie theaters. Turn your phone off if necessary.

●Don't talk too loudly. When in public, try not to raise your voice while on the phone. Generally you don't have to shout on the phone to be heard on the other end. In fact, doing so often makes it harder for you to be understood.3.

●Don't use your phone when having a meal with someone. If possible, turn it off. If you're waiting for an important call, let the person you're with know beforehand (事先) that you're expecting a call that you'll need to take.4. If you have to, step away but don’t stay away any longer than a bathroom break.

5.When you're in an enclosed space, or you can't put yourself 10 feet out of everyone's way, it's inappropriate to talk but it's potentially acceptable to receive and send text messages. But you'd better not text while doing anything requires you to be focused.

A.Learn to text

B.Focus on your messages

C.Some places are inappropriate for cellphone usage

D.Limit phone use during gatherings with your friends

E.Try not to hold a phone conversation at table

F.In addition, shouting on the phone disturbs people around you

G.Most people who are impolite don't even realize what they’re doing

