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27.    some of the aboriginal languages have been lost, people are trying hard to protect and record what is left.

  A.While    B.Since    C.Before    D.Unless


26.The faces of the American president on Mount Rushmore can be seen, from a     of 60 miles.

  A.length    B.distance    C.way   D.space


25.I really can’t imagine such a beautiful girl     be so rude.

  A.need    B.may    C.shall    D.should


24.I’ve promised to keep it secret so I can’t really tell you anything     what you know already.

  A.for    B.about    C.of   D.beyond


23.The Roma people originally lived in northwestern India in     is now southeastern


  A.which    B.what   C.that    D.where


22.-Excuse me, can you spare me a few minutes?

-    ?

  A.What’s on    B.What is it    C.What’s up    D.What’s more


第一節(jié)  單項填空(共15小題;每小題1分,滿分15分)


第一節(jié)  選擇題

21.I was going to pay a visit to    Smiths when     Mr Green called me up, who I didn’t know at all.

  A.the , the    B.the , a    C.a , the   D.a, a



6.What does the woman show the man?

  A.Pictures.    B.Postcards.    C.Stamps.

7.Where did the woman get the things she shows the man?

  A.At the Summer Palace.      B.At the Forbidden City.

C.A t the Great Wall.

8.What did the woman do in China?

  A.She learned a lot of Chinese.    B.She made some great Chinese friends.

C.She learned how to cook C   hinese food.


9.When does the conversation probably take place?

  A.Before the play.    B.During the play.   C.After the play.

10.Which of the following is TRUE about the play?

  A. The heroine’s name is Ann Merriweather.

B.It’s a comedy about three sisters.

C.One teacher falls in love with her colleague.

11.What can we learn from the conversation?

  A.Neither the man nor the woman has seen the play before.

B.The man bought the woman one ticket for the play.

C.The woman is not familiar with the plot of the play.


12.What did the woman use to be?

  A.A film star.    B.A singer.    C.A tennis player.

13.How does the woman feel about New York?

  A.New York hasn’t had any changes at all.

B.Changes have taken place round the center.

C.The countryside has some differences from the downtown area.

14.Why does the woman come to New York?

  A.To star in a TV program.

B.To attend or watch the tennis games.

C.To spend a vacation.


15.What can we know about the shirt the woman first recommends?

  A.It’s a white shirt.

B.Its size is thirty-one.

C.It costs 5.59 dollars.

16.What did the man buy in the shop yesterday?

  A.A handkerchief    B.A tie    C.A pair of socks

17.What is the man’s total bill?

  A.3.95 dollars.   B.4.50 dollars   C.4.60 dollars.


18.What did the speaker’s friends think of his change of interest?

  A.Understandable    B.Strange.   C.Crazy.

19.Why did the speaker change his interest to underwater exploration?

  A.It is much cheaper than space travel.

B.It is much safer than space travel.

C.It is more exciting than space travel.

20.In what way does the speaker think the ocean is similar to space?

  A.They are both easy to explore.

B.They are both beautiful.

C.They are both awful.


  該部分分為第一、第二兩節(jié)。注意:回答聽力部分時,請先將答案標在 試卷上。聽力部分結束前,你將有兩分鐘的時間把你的答案轉涂到客觀題答題卡上。



1.When will the film end?

  A.At 8:30.    B.At 9:00.    C.At 9:30.

2.What does the woman mean?

A.She made the dress herself.   B.Her mother bought the dress for her.

C.Her mother made the dress for her.

3.Where is the woman from?

  A.America    B.Australia    C.Canada

4.Where does the conversation take place?

  A.At a post office    B.At a shop.    C.At a hotel.

5.How much is the jacket?

  A.600 US dollars.    B.100 Hong Kong dollars.   C.600 Hong Kong dollars.


31. (12分)取甲、乙、丙、丁四支潔凈的試管,按照下表中順序依次加入有關物質并進行有關處理,回答下列問題:



 (注:“+ ”表示加入物質或相關處理,“- ”表示不加物質或不做處理)

(1) 用甲、乙試管做驗證酶具有催化作用的實驗,則乙試管中還應加入       ,乙試管內的實驗現(xiàn)象是          

(2) 用丙、丁試管做驗證酶具有專一性的實驗,則丁試管內應先后加入      (從下面的①-⑧中選擇序號填空)。

①碘液1滴    ②斐林試劑2mL  ③雙縮脲試劑2mL ④二苯胺試劑2mL  

⑤淀粉溶液3mL  ⑥蔗糖溶液3mL  ⑦小麥淀粉酶濾液2mL  ⑧清水2mL 

該實驗的實驗變量是                        。

該實驗的原理是:①                               。 


