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[句式]It 的句型,定語從句,被動語態(tài)。

①(介紹住所)I’ve found a place for you. It’s a small flat of 25 square meters, with a bedroom, a bathroom and a kitchen. In the bedroom there is a bed, a sofa, a desk and a chair. The rent is 500 yuan per month. The flat is in a building on Fangcao Street, which is not far from Jianxinhua Chinese School. Bus No.11 can take you straight to the school. In fact, it’s only one stop.

②(介紹一種東西)A wonderful new invention is called Mogray. A mogray is a small box, about 20X20X20 cm. It has an antenna and two legs that can be folded into the box. The mogray is a computer that helps students do their homework.

The mogray is placed on the student’s desk and the textbook is placed near the mogray. The mogray calls up the Internet and collects information and questions about the homework and pictures. When the student has finished studying, the mogray will ask the student questions and help him or her find the best answers. I think it is a very useful invention and I wish I had one.





[句式]It 的句型, 定語從句。

①(觀點(diǎn)和建議)Modern shoppers need an education in how and how not to buy things at the grocery store. First, you should check the weekly newspaper ads. Find out the items that are on sale and decide if you really need those things. In other words, don’t buy anything just because it’s cheaper than usual! Second, such words like “New and Improved!” or “All Natural” in front of a package may influence you. Instead, read the list of ingredients on the back. Third, compare prices. That is, you should examine the prices of both different brands and different sizes of the same brand.

②建議,并說明理由You’d better have a talk with your mother and tell her what you have in mind so that she can come to an understanding with you. On the other hand, you should make a good plan by yourself and try to do well in your lessons. In this way your mother has no reason to talk too much about your study.


    Dear grandpa, I think you’d better take part in some outdoor activities, such as going mountain climbing, playing Taiji. You can also take up some hobbies like gardening or playing chess. Perhaps you can keep a pet like a dog or a cat. And I think the most important for you is to

make some friends with the people of your age, so that you can do things together. Having friends means that you can have someone to talk to so that you won’t feel lonely and depressed.

④(陳述觀點(diǎn)比用事實(shí)和例子說明)Among many scientific achievements, I think, (說明你的觀點(diǎn))the discovery of electricity is the greatest scientific achievement, (支持你的觀點(diǎn))because the discovery made it possible for us to control our environment, develop new technology and build large cities.

    (用事實(shí)或例子說明你第一個觀點(diǎn))In the old days we could only work during the day. Homes were lit by candles or flames, but the light was weak and polluted the air. During the winter, especially in the north, days were very short. When we learned to use electricity to light our homes, we suddenly had many more hours to spend.

    (用事實(shí)或例子說明你第二個觀點(diǎn))Few scientific achievements have led to so many new inventions as the discovery of electricity. First, scientists learned to use electricity to run engines. Then, they discovered ways to use electricity to help people communicate. The telegraph made it possible for us to send messages between cities and towns. When the telephone was invented, almost everyone could get in touch with friends and colleagues that lived far away. Later, radios and TV brought news and entertainment to our homes. In the last thirty years, computers and cellphones have become an important part of our daily life. All of these inventions have made our life better, and none of them would have been possible without electricity.

    (用事實(shí)或例子說明你第三個觀點(diǎn))We wouldn’t have the large, modern cities we have today if it weren’t for electricity. The industrial revolution, which transformed our way of life, depended in large part on electricity. We built factories, which in turn meant that people started moving into the cities, with telegraphs and telephones we could send messages to each other over great distances, so that we could do business with people in other cities and even countries. In modern cities, electricity is used for heating, lighting, cooking and for running buses and subways. The discovery of electricity made our cities cleaner, safer and bigger.

(總結(jié)三個基本的觀點(diǎn))No other scientific achievement has had a stronger or longer-lasting effect on human beings than electricity. It gave us more time to work, study and play, it led to new inventions, and it created the big cities we live in today.

⑤ (陳述觀點(diǎn)和理由)I think that water pollution is the most serious problem because we need clean drinking water to survive and because most of the life on our planet is found in our oceans, rivers and lakes.

All kinds of pollution are bad for the environment, but water pollution is the worst. All human beings need clean drinking water to survive. It is wrong to pollute a resource that is so important to all of us. Water pollution is also an important problem because rivers, lakes, and oceans are where most of the life on our planet is. If we pollute the water, these animals and plants won’t survive.

To think that there is nothing we can do is incorrect. We must realize that it is our responsibility to take action and to make sure that we don’t pollute our water in future. I suggest that we learn more about water pollution and take steps to protect our water. I also recommend that we try to be more careful when we use water so that we don’t waste it. If we all try our best, I think we can solve the problem.

⑥(評論詩歌) The poem called Silent in the house by Emily is very short and the language it

used is very simple. The first four lines of the poem are an invitation to go out together and enjoy time spent together. It sounds as if it may be the last time together in the evening, enjoying the mild weather and looking at the stars. Within a year, long before it is October again, the two lovers in the poem will be parted forever. It is not easy to understand what it means that seas of blood will part them, but I think one of them will get married to someone else. Because of that, they must both stop loving each other, and each must destroy the love in their hearts.

    The idea that they will be separated by “seas of blood” reminds me of Richard Marx’s song in which the lovers are “oceans apart”. The sea is a very good image to give you the feeling that two lovers cannot reach each other. To use the word “crush’ instead of “destroy” is a good choice, because crush gives you the feeling that the love in their hearts is something fragile that can be broken by pushing it away.

    Although the poem is short, it is very moving. It is a very beautiful way to express the sadness when two lovers must part because they cannot stay together. I like the poem because it is very quiet. It seems as if the poem wants to be like a beautiful memory.


書信的格式, 通知寫法, 海報(bào)的要求

3、教師要掌握試題和新課程標(biāo)準(zhǔn)在寫作上會涉及的話題,加以歸納和總結(jié),做到舉一反三, 使復(fù)習(xí)提高效率。


1、 教師要鉆研寫作的具體要求,明確評分的等級,針對自己的學(xué)生水平制定切實(shí)可行的復(fù)習(xí)目標(biāo),使學(xué)生都能在原有的水平上有所提高。


1、對內(nèi)容的要求:全面              2、對詞匯的要求:豐富

3、對句式的要求:多樣              4、對語篇的要求:流暢,順暢的連接和轉(zhuǎn)折

5、對書寫的要求:正確,工整         6、對目的的要求:符合寫作要求







[句式]It 的句型,定語從句。

[表示連接/轉(zhuǎn)折的詞匯]both, and, in addition, what’s more, on the other hand, however, but。

① (前后情況變化的對比) In short, things have begun to improve since schools were called on to reduce learning load. I don’t know about others, but I used to have to work even at weekends doing endless homework and attending classes as well.

Now I have more free time. I can follow my own interests, such as reading books, visiting museums, and taking computer lessons. In the evenings, I can watch news on TV or read newspapers. What’s more, I can go to bed earlier.

As far as I know, everyone is happy about this new arrangement of things.

②(比較一種事物的優(yōu)缺點(diǎn))I would like to give my opinion about being on the Internet.

    More and more middle school students here are starting using the Internet, through which

they can get a great deal of the latest information. They can enjoy lessons given by the best teachers of net-schools at home. And it is easy and convenient to keep in touch with friends by sending and receiving e-mails.

    On the other hand, some students have spent too much time chatting and playing games on the net. And there is still something harmful to the students.

    At last, I suggest that students should be good at using the Internet for their studies and not be on line for long.

③(兩種觀點(diǎn)對比)I’m writing to tell you about the discussion we’ve had about whether an entrance fee should be charged for park.

    Opinions are divided on the question. 60% of the students are against the idea of entrance fees. They believe a public park should be free of charge. People need a place where they can rest and enjoy themselves. Charging entrance fees will no doubt keep some people away. What is more, it will become necessary to build gates and walls, which will do harm to the appearance of a city.

    On the other hand, 40% think that fees should be charged because you need money to pay gardeners and other workers, and to buy plants and young trees. They suggest, however, fees should be charged low.

④(比較兩種事物的相同點(diǎn)和不同點(diǎn))Where do you get your news, websites or newspapers? Which source is better when it comes to delivering reliable news? A close look at the two media may help us answer the question.

A website is similar to a newspaper in many ways. The news is reported in articles written by reporters and edited by editors. Besides, newspapers have different sections, such as world news, local news, sports etc. and websites have many different pages. Both use headlines and pictures, and make money by selling ads.

There are a few important differences. The news reports in a newspaper do not change. Websites, on the other hand, change all the time. That means that websites can give us the latest news faster than newspapers. However, not all websites are updated every day, so when we read something on the Internet, we must make sure that the website has been updated. Newspapers are written by reporters, but websites can be written by anyone. We may also want to consider the cost. While websites are free, newspapers cost money.

In my opinion, newspapers are more reliable than websites because it is easier for the readers to find out who wrote the article.







①(寫人) Sun Shuwei, a world champion in diving, is now 28 years old from Guangdong in China.

He loved swimming when he was a small boy and at the age of eight he became a member of the diving team in Guangdong Province. He studied hard at school and trained hard for five years

before he came to the national team. A year later in 1990, he won a gold medal at the 11th Asian Games and became a world champion at the 6th World Swimming Championships early this year.

He is popular with the Chinese people.

②(敘事)Li Ming and I took part in a wilderness survival program yesterday, and it has been one of the most unforgettable experiences since high school. Early in the morning, we set out. Li Ming was carrying a compass and a tent in his backpack, and in mine there was a flashlight, a map, a knife, a first-aid kit, some matches, candles, food, and clothing.

    On the way to the campsite, we climbed a hill, and then we swam across a river, pushing the backpacks on a large piece of wood we had found by the river. As we got into a forest, we lost our way. Luckily, we found the right direction with the compass.

    By the time we arrived at the campsite, it had already been dark. Li Ming then put up the tent, and I made a fire and started cooking.

    I think…

③(寫過程)Knowing how to give first aid is an important skill that can save lives.

The letters DR ABC can help us remember what to do. First, we should make sure that the accident scene is no longer dangerous. If we get hurt, we can’t help the injured people. Second, we should try to get a response from the injured people. If they respond, we know that they are breathing and conscious. Third, we should make sure that the injured person’s airway is clear. If he isn’t breathing, we must try to start his breathing. Fourth, we should find out if the person’s blood is circulating. We can check this by feeling the person’s pulse.

After giving first aid, we should place the person in the recovery position. Finally, we should keep the person warm. 







開頭:A survey about the choice of jobs has been done among 100 middle school students, which shows that…

分析: Chart 1 shows… As is shown on Chart 2… According to figures from…

比較:Compared with that of last year, the output of …

建議:I think the school should encourage the students to do more exercise after class. This way, they may be healthier and more energetic.

結(jié)論:It can be seen from the graph that the average personal income of the Chinese people increased rapidly from 1985 to 1990.

Chart 1 shows the daily average amount of time the students of the school spend on different after-class activities. The students put the most time – 93 minutes– into their homework, and next in line is watching TV, which takes up 46 minutes. They put in about the same amount of time listening to music and working on the computer, 34 minutes and 30 minutes each. While 25 minutes is spent on sports, only 12 minutes goes into housework.

    As is shown on Chart 2, only 10% of the time is taken up with sports activities. I think the

school should encourage the students to take more exercise after class. This way, they may be healthier and more energetic.

(4) 描述場景/地點(diǎn)東西

[段落]第一部分:說明介紹某一地方。 第二部分(可分幾段):分別介紹各方面的內(nèi)容。第三部分:總結(jié)或建議等。


如何發(fā)展中學(xué)生英語寫的技能, 提高書面表達(dá)的得分,是畢業(yè)班教師必須十分重視的問題。

教師要認(rèn)真分析高考試題, 吃透新課程標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的精神,才能有效地貫徹在每堂課的教學(xué)實(shí)踐中, 從而實(shí)現(xiàn)既定的目標(biāo)。








2. 導(dǎo)數(shù)的幾何意義:是曲線上點(diǎn)()處的切線的斜率因此,如果在點(diǎn)可導(dǎo),則曲線在點(diǎn)()處的切線方程為
3. 導(dǎo)函數(shù)(導(dǎo)數(shù)):如果函數(shù)在開區(qū)間內(nèi)的每點(diǎn)處都有導(dǎo)數(shù),此時對于每一個,都對應(yīng)著一個確定的導(dǎo)數(shù),從而構(gòu)成了一個新的函數(shù), 稱這個函數(shù)為函數(shù)在開區(qū)間內(nèi)的導(dǎo)函數(shù),簡稱導(dǎo)數(shù)
法則1  兩個函數(shù)的和(或差)的導(dǎo)數(shù),等于這兩個函數(shù)的導(dǎo)數(shù)的和(或差),即   
∴  ,
法則2 兩個函數(shù)的積的導(dǎo)數(shù),等于第一個函數(shù)的導(dǎo)數(shù)乘以第二個函數(shù),加上第一個函數(shù)乘以第二個函數(shù)的導(dǎo)數(shù),即
法則3  兩個函數(shù)的商的導(dǎo)數(shù),等于分子的導(dǎo)數(shù)與分母的積,減去分母的導(dǎo)數(shù)與分子的積,再除以分母的平方,即


復(fù)合函數(shù)的導(dǎo)數(shù)  復(fù)合函數(shù)的導(dǎo)數(shù)和函數(shù)的導(dǎo)數(shù)間的關(guān)系為,即的導(dǎo)數(shù)等于的導(dǎo)數(shù)與的導(dǎo)數(shù)的乘積.

例5. 求y =sin4x +cos 4x的導(dǎo)數(shù).
解法一:y =sin 4x +cos 4x=(sin2x +cos2x)2-2sin2cos2x=1-sin22 x
=1-(1-cos 4 x)=+cos 4 xy′=-sin 4 x
解法二:y′=(sin 4 x)′+(cos 4 x)′=4 sin 3 x(sin x)′+4 cos 3x (cos x)′=4 sin 3 x cos x +4 cos 3 x (-sin x)=4 sin x cos x (sin 2 x -cos 2 x)=-2 sin 2 x cos 2 x=-sin 4 x
例6.函數(shù)處的切線方程是 (   )
A.    B. 
C.    D.
1.函數(shù)y=x2cosx的導(dǎo)數(shù)為(   )
A.  y′=2xcosxx2sinx               B.  y′=2xcosx+x2sinx
C.  y′=x2cosx-2xsinx        D. y′=xcosxx2sinx






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