0  827  835  841  845  851  853  857  863  865  871  877  881  883  887  893  895  901  905  907  911  913  917  919  921  922  923  925  926  927  929  931  935  937  941  943  947  953  955  961  965  967  971  977  983  985  991  995  997  1003  1007  1013  1021  3002 


年級:高一    科目:   命題人:齊俊麗  審題人:徐榮海

考試時間:120分鐘   試卷滿分:150分 







卷(選擇題  共140分)



絕密*啟用前                                                     試卷類型:A學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)









Ⅰ. 聽力(共兩節(jié),滿分35分)學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

第一節(jié):聽獨白或?qū)υ?共15  小題:每小題?2分,  滿分30分)學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)



1. What do you know about the man?學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

  A. He has been to New York.  B. He has lost his job. C. He's on business.學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

2. Why was the man eager to see the woman?學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

  A. To turn to her for advice.   B. To make the suggestion.  C. To tell his story.學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

3. What does the man want to get anxiously?學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

  A. A good salary.   B. A good preparation.   C. A good job.學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)


4. What is the relationship between the speakers?學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

  A. They are classmates.    B. They're roommates.   C. They're cousins.學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

5. Why was the man worried at first?學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

  A. Because he couldn't decide on a topic for his paper.學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

   B. Because he thought his paper was late.學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

   C. Because he hadn't heard from his family for a while.學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

6. How does the woman think about the topic of the man's biology paper?學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

   A. Dull.  B. Difficult.   C. Funny.學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)


7. How long does an interview usually last according to the speaker?學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

  A. Less than 30 minutes.  B. From 30 to 45 minutes.  C. At least 45 minutes.學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

8. How can one give the interviewer a good first impression?學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

  A. He should show respect for the interviewer.學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

  B. He should show confidence in himself.學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

  C. He should be dressed properly.學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

9. What should be the best manner of speaking for a job-seeker during an interview?學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

  A. Speaking. confidently but not aggressively.學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

  B. Speaking politely and emotionally.學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

  C. Talking loudly to give a lasting impression.學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)


10. When is the woman going out with Jennifer?學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

  A. Friday.     B. Saturday.    C Sunday.學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

11. Where is the movie theater?學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

  A. It is on the Pink Street.  B. It is on the Pine Street.  C. It is at the riverside.學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

12. What time does the restaurant close on Sundays?學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

  A: 10: 30p.m.   B. 11:00 p.m.   C. 12:00 p.m學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)


13. Who is the speaker?學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

 A. A student leader.  B.A teacher.  C. A tourist guide.學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

14. What is the main purpose of this group of students?學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

  A. Making friends with each other.學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

  B. Improving their English.學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

  C. Settling down in London.學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

15. Which of the following statements about the rules at the school is tree?學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

  A. Students can keep books from the library as long as they wish.學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

  B. Students are asked to use the wastebaskets provided to keep the room clean.學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

  C. Dictionaries are not allowed to be brought into the classroom.學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)




Living places



On-campus living


Provide safety and 16____________ for students.

Require students to obey 17___________

Off-campus living


Little money needed to repair the house and freedom for students to 19___________

Require students to provide 20___________




    閱讀下面短文,掌握其大意,然后從21~30各題所給的四個選項(A、B、C和D)中,  選出最佳選項,并在答題卡上將該項涂黑。學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

     When I was younger, I thought that boys and grown men shouldn't cry. The tears were signs of being   21  , which a man isn't supposed to be.學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

     But later, I discovered that courage isn't all about trying to keep all the pain in check and trying to hide the  22   .學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

     My 18-year-old sister eloped(私奔) and with it, I saw how weak my father's heart was. We were used to seeing him as a(n)  23   father.學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

     For three days he wouldn't talk. He would just sit quietly outside our house in the dark. On the fourth night, I sat beside him and asked him to tell me what he felt about everything.學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

     It has been years since I laid my hand on my father's shoulder as we drifted apart (疏遠) farther and farther while I was  24   up. That night though, I sensed my father trying to  25   his pain and I wanted him to be able to let it out. We all had cried over what happened except him.學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

     The simple touch and my words, "Dad, it's not your  26  ", broke my father's dam(水閘). In the darkness, he began to cry. ! felt his shoulders shaking as he whispered, "  27  did I go wrong? All I ever wanted was for my children to grow up right. Why couldn't your sister wait?" 學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

     I understood then why he  28   to be in the dark. By being there, he hoped to spare his  29   of a father's pain. His tears, though we didn't see them before that night, were there all the same.學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

     I saw his corage that night when my father cried with my hand on his shoulder, and  30    his pain.學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

21. A. weak           B. poor               C. sad            D. honest學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

22. A. secrets         B. tears              C. opinions       D. qualities學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

23. A. hard-working    B. easy-going         C. kind-hearted   D. strong-willed學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

24. A. bringing        B. giving             C. growing       D. turning學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

25. A. forget          B. reduce             C. control        D. bear學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

26. A. character       B. daughter           C. fault          D. duty學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

27. A. How           B. What              C. When         D. Where學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

28. A. preferred       B. managed          C. stayed        D. agreed學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

29. A. family         B. children           C. daughter       D. relatives學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

30. A. understood      B. remembered        C. touched       D. respected 學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)


第二節(jié)  語法填空(共10小題,每小題1.5分,滿分15分)學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)


     On Christmas Eve, a man punished his 5-year-old daughter for using up the family's only roll of expensive gold wrapping paper because money was tight.  31  , the next morning the little girl brought a girl box to her father and said, "This is for you, Daddy!" As he opened the box, the father  32  (embarrass) by his earlier overreaction.學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

     But when he opened it, he found  33  was empty and again his anger flared. "Don't you know, young lady, "he said harshly, "when you give someone a present there's supposed to be something inside the package!" The little girl looked  34  at him with tears rolling from her eyes and said: "Daddy, it's not empty. I blew kisses into it  35  it was all full." The father was crushed. He fell  36  his knees and put his arms around his precious little girl. He begged her to forgive him for his unnecessary anger.學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

        37  accident took the life of the child only a short time later. It is said that the father kept that little gold box by his bed for all the years of his life.  38  he was discouraged or faced difficult problems he would open the box, take out an imaginary kiss, and remember the love of this beautiful child  39   had put it there.學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

     In a very real sense, each of us as human beings have been given an invisible golden box filled with  40  (condition) love and kisses from our children, family, friends and God. There is no more precious possession anyone could hold.學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)


Ⅲ. 閱讀(共兩節(jié),滿分40分)學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)




One day in my class, Maria shared her feelings about money, "Money worries me. I think I want to live without money because I hate it. I HATE MONEY." We were all touched by Maria's words as they reminded us of the spiritual burdens that money managing can bring to us. After class I offered to help Maria deal with her financial problems. She hesitated to accept my offer, and I could see from the expression on her face that she was afraid of what it might involve. I quickly promised her that I wouldn't make her do more than she was able to. I told her frankly that I didn't enjoy managing my money any more than she did hers and wouldn't burden her with guilt, judgments, or impossible tasks.  All I would ask her to do was to let me help her look at her fears and try to make some sense of them.學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

Maria still resisted my offer, and I can remember the excuses she gave me as they were the repeated complaints I had heard from so many people. "I'11 never understand money," she said. "My facts are meaningless." "I don't deserve to have money." "I never have enough," "I have too little to manage." "My financial position isn't worth looking at." and the most devastating one of all, "I just can't do it."學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

Going home that day, I couldn't get Maria out of my mind: Her attitude conveyed the same negativity and fear that I believed annoyed many people. I was sure it was this attitude that prevented people from managing their money effectively. My counseling (咨詢) has taught me that these anxieties are inseparably connected to our self-doubts and fear for survival. Many of us are terrified of handling our money because we don't believe we can do it well, and to do it wrong would put our very existence at risk.學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

On a deeper level we know that money is not the source of life, but sense of worth drives us to act as if it were. It locks us up in self-doubts and prevents us from tapping into the true source of our management power, our spirit.學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

41. The underlined word devastating in paragraph 2 probably means        .學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

A. convincing   B. interesting    C. shocking    D. valuable學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

42. Maria's words moved the author and others because they were         .學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

A. in the same financial trouble        B. in the same financial condition

C. of the same family background      D. of the same feeling over the issue

43. As for money managing, the author intended to tell Maria how to       .

A. overcome her fears          B. make wise decisions

C. avoid making mistakes       D. learn the necessary skills

44. Maria wouldn't take the author's offer of help for fear of _________.

A. being forced to share her money with others     B. having to do something beyond her reach

C. being found guilty of making impossible errors   D. showing her judgment about money

45. According to the author, people's anxieties about managing money result from their understanding of money as the only source of ________.

A. life      B. values     C. spirit    D. power


For thousands of years, people have been debating the meaning of happiness and how to find it.  From the ancient Greeks and Romans to current day writers and professors, the debate about happiness continues. What makes someone happy? In what parts of the world are people the happiest? Why even study happiness? The Greek philosopher Aristotle said that a person's highest happiness comes from the use of his or her intelligence. Religious books such as the Koran and Bible discuss faith as a form of happiness. The British scientist Charles Darwin believed that all species were formed in a way so as to enjoy happiness. People throughout history may have had different ideas about happiness. But today, many people are still searching for its meaning.

How do you study something like happiness? You could start with the World Database of Happiness at Erasmus University in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. This set of information includes how to define and measure happiness. Some findings are not surprising. For example, the database suggests that married people are happier than single people. People who like to be with other people are happier than unsocial people. But other findings are less expected: People with children are equally happy as couples without children. And wealthier people are only a little happier than poorer people.

Positive psychology is the new term for a method of scientific study that tries to examine the things that make life worth living instead of life's problems. Traditional psychology generally studies negative situations like mental suffering and sickness. But positive psychology aims to study the strengths that allow people and communities to do well. There is also an increasing amount of medical research on the physical qualities of happiness. Doctors can now look at happiness at work in a person's brain using a method called magnetic resonance imaging (核磁共振成像), or MRI. For example, an MRI can show how one area of a person's brain activates when he or she is shown happy pictures. A different area of the brain becomes active when the person sees pictures of terrible subjects.

46. What can be inferred from the first paragraph?

  A. People are searching for the meaning of happiness.

  B. Happiness is an everlasting topic for discussion.

  C. Current day scholars are debating about how to make people happy.

  D. People have begun to realize the importance of understanding happiness.

47. The Bible tells us happiness comes from _________.

A. the application of one's intelligence    B. the strong belief in religion

C. a certain degree of good faith         D. the trust in one's ability

48. The findings of the database imply that couples without children are _________.

A. as happy as people with children    B. less happy than people with children

C. happier than unsocial people       D. a little happier than wealthier people

49. As an approach of scientific study, positive psychology focuses on ________.

A. mental suffering                       B. psychological sickness

C. examining what makes life worth living    D. strengths that enable people to succeed

50. MRI is used in the study of happiness in order to __________.

A. find out the physical quantities of happiness    B. look at the images formed in people's brain

C. study the reaction of the brain to happiness    D. understand the pictures of terrible subjects


Climatic conditions are delicately adjusted to composition of the Earth's atmosphere. If there were a change in the atmosphere ― for example, in the relative amounts of atmospheric gases ― the climate would probably change also. A slight increase in water vapor (蒸汽) , for example, would increase the heat-keeping capacity of the atmosphere and would lead to a rise in global temperatures.

The level of carbon dioxide, CO2, in the atmosphere has an important effect on climatic change. Most of the Earth's incoming energy is short-wavelength radiation (短波輻射) , which tends to pass through atmospheric CO2 easily. The Earth, however, reradiates much of the received energy as long-wavelength radiation (長波輻射), which CO2 absorbs and then goes toward the Earth. This phenomenon, known as the greenhouse effect, can result in an increase in the surface temperature of a planet. An extreme example of the effect is shown by Venus, a planet covered by heavy clouds composed mostly of CO2, whose surface temperatures have been measured at 430~C.If the CO2 content of the atmosphere is reduced, the temperature falls. According to one respectable theory, if the atmospheric CO2 concentration were halved, the Earth would become completely covered with ice.  Another equally respectable theory, however, states that a halving of the CO2 concentration would lead only to a reduction in global temperatures of 3℃.

If, because of an increase in forest fires or volcanic activity, the CO2 content of the atmosphere increased, a warmer climate would be produced. Plant growth, which relied on both the warmth and the availability of CO2, would probably increase. As a consequence, plant would use more and more CO2.  Eventually CO2 levels would decrease and the climate, in turn, would become cooler. With reduced temperatures many plants would die; CO2 would thus be returned to the atmosphere and gradually the temperature would rise again. Thus, if this process occurred, there might be a long-term oscillation (波動) in the amount of CO2 present in the atmosphere, with regular temperature increase and decrease.

Some climatologists argue that the burning of fossil fuels has raised the level of CO2 in the atmosphere and has caused a global temperature increase of at least 1℃. But a supposed global temperature rise of 1 ℃ may in reality be only several regional temperature increases, restricted to areas where there are many meteorological (氣象的) stations. Other areas, for example, the Southern Hemisphere oceanic zone, may be experiencing an equal temperature decrease that is unrecognized because of the shortage of meteorological recording stations.

51. Which of the following questions does the information supplied in this passage try to answer?

A. What are the steps in the process that takes place as CO2 absorbs long-wavelength radiation?

B. How might our understanding of the greenhouse effect be improved if the burning of fossil       were decreased?

C. What might cause a series of regular increases and decreases in the amount of CO2 in the        atmosphere?

D. Why are there fewer meteorological recording stations in the Southern Hemisphere oceanic        zone than atmosphere?

52. The author is primarily concerned with ________.

A. explaining the effects that the burning of fossil fuels might have on climate

B. explaining the effects of CO2 on atmospheric radiation

C. discussing effects that changes in the CO2 level in the atmosphere might have on climate

D. challenging hypotheses (假說)  about the effects of water vapor and CO2 on climate

53. The passage suggests that a large decrease in the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere would result in _________.

A. at least a slight decrease in global temperatures

B. at the most a slight increase in short-wavelength radiation reaching the Earth

C. a slight long-term increase in global temperatures

D. a slight short-term increase in atmosphere water vapor content

54. The author refers to Venus primarily in order to _______.

A. show that the greenhouse effect works on other planets but not on Earth

B. show the degree to which Earth's atmosphere differs from that of Venus

C. support the opinion that as water vapor increases, the amount of CO2 increases

D. support the argument that the CO2 level in the atmosphere has a significant effect on climate

55. The discussion of climate in the passage suggests that _________.

A. climate is perfectly stable

B. we are unable at present to measure global temperature changes precisely.

C. the only cause of regional climatic fluctuations (波動) is the change in CO2 1evel in the atmosphere

D. slight regional temperature changes can be considered an abnormal feature (特征) of the environment





A. Birth of a Nation

Birth of a Nation was the most popular film of the silent era. The message in the film was that African Americans could never be integrated into the white society as equals. Race violence directed against African Americans took place in many cities. In the South, African Americans were only allowed to go to separate schools, hotels, and restaurants.

B. Gone with the Wind

Gone with the Wind was the costliest and most popular film of Hollywood's Golden Era. Producer David Selznick had promised that the film would be free of any anti-Negro ideas. Although it did not use white actors in blackface, like Birth of a Nation, its picture of enslaved African Americans as loyal but scatter-brained house servants and clumsy field hands was what the white thought the black ought to be then.

C. Glory

Glory offers a powerful retelling of the story of the first black regiment (團) during the American Civil War. Half the regiment's men were killed or wounded in the war, but it dramatically demonstrated the courage of African American troops in battle. However, the film failed to describe the larger historical context of the Civil War.

D. Amistad

The Steven Spielberg film is about a historical event. In 1839, a group of Africans were captured and shipped to the Spanish colony of Cuba. During trans-shipment to nearby sugar plantations, 53 slaves overpowered the crew. The captives then ordered the two men who had purchased them to navigate the ship toward Africa. At night, however, the men sailed the ship northward and westward.  The case ultimately went to the Supreme Court. In 1841, the Court freed the captives.

E. Beloved

The film is based on Margaret Garner's story of killing her own two-year-old daughter Mary.  Margaret Garner said that she had intended to kill her other children rather than see them returned to slavery. She later explained that she wanted to "end their sufferings" rather than see them returned to bondage and "murdered by piecemeal". No other work has so powerfully examined the interior life of a former slave.

F.  Schindler's List

The film concerns the lives of a thousand Jews during World War II. The film shows, unforgettably, how one man does make a difference. Schindler proves that man's morality and humanity are always alive. "Save one life, save the world entire." The heavy tone and fearful atmosphere of the film are heightened by black-and-white cinematography.


56. Inner Hurt

57. International Slave Trade

58. Civil Rights

59. Blacks with Low Abilities

60. Brave Blacks



第一節(jié)  基礎(chǔ)寫作  (共1小題,滿分15分)

    在學習、生活和工作中,學會與人合作是非常重要的。請你根據(jù)下表中所提供的信息,寫一篇題為“Being a Good Partner”的英文演講稿。

















Good afternoon, everyone! The topic of my speech today is "Being a good partner".


Thank you for your listening!






Is Failure a Bad Thing?

Failure is what often happens in our life. Students may fail in exams, scientists may fail in their research work, and athletes may fail in competitions.

Although failure happens to everyone, attitudes towards failure are various. Some people don't think their failure is very important thing at all. So they pay no attention to it. As a result, they will have the same failure many times later. They spend their time and energy on Useless things and they may really be fools as they have thought. Other people are quite different from the people mentioned above. Instead of being distressed and lost, they draw a lesson from every failure and become more experienced. After hard work, they will be successful in the end. It is said that failure is the mother of success. Success will be gained after times of failures so long as we are good at drawing a lesson from our failure.

In my opinion, failure is not a bad thing; the really bad thing is taking a failure as failure or even losing heart after failure.



2.然后以約120個詞就"Is‘Failure a Bad Thing?”這個主題寫一篇短文,至少包括、以下內(nèi)容要點:

1) 失敗并不是一件壞事,但從失敗中再站起來,的確不是一件易事;

2) 失敗對一個勝利者、成功者來說,卻是重要的基本功和必修課;

3) 你對失敗的看法和態(tài)度如何?






























1.B  2.A  3.C  4.A  5.B  6. C  7. B  8.C  9.A  10.B  11.B  12.C  13.B  14.B  15.B

16. meals  17. (certain) housing rules   18. apartments   19. choose roommates

20. (their own )furniture

21.A  22.B  23.D  24.C  25.C  26. C  27. D28. A  29. A  30. A

31. Nevertheless/However  32. was embarrassed  33. it  34. up  35. until

36. on   37. An  38. Whenever/When  39. who  40. Unconditional

41. C  42. D  43. A 44. B  45. A  46. B  47. B  48. A  49. D  50. C

51.C  52. C  53. A  54. D  55. B  56. E  57. D  58. A  59. B  60.C



歷  史(廣東河南卷)

第Ⅰ卷(選擇題  共75分)








注意事項: 學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

1.答卷前,考生務(wù)必用黑色字跡的鋼筆或簽字筆將白己的姓名和考生填寫在答題卡上,用2B鉛筆將試卷類型填涂在答題卡上。  學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

2.每小題選出答案后,用2B鉛筆把答題卡上對應(yīng)題目的答案標號涂黑;如須改動,用橡皮擦干凈后,再選涂其他答案標號,不能答在試題卷上。  學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)




A.收入是消費的前提和基礎(chǔ)                   B.低收入人群對未來收入有樂觀的預(yù)期學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

C.消費券的發(fā)放誘發(fā)物價上漲               D.消費券的發(fā)放有利于克服通貨膨脹學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)


A.消費券促進企業(yè)提高勞動生產(chǎn)率        B.低收入人群的消費是勞務(wù)消費學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

C.消費拉動經(jīng)濟增長、促進生產(chǎn)發(fā)展     D.消費行為受消費心理的影響學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)


A.低收入人群的恩格爾系數(shù)過小            學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)






A.收入差距不能存在                             B.收入水平不能過高學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

C.收入水平必須保持穩(wěn)定                      D.收入差距不能過于懸殊學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)


A.社會和諧            B.綠色消費            C.財政收支平衡     D.擴大就業(yè)學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)


A.民主選舉            B.民主決策            C.民主管理            D.民主監(jiān)督學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)


A.堅持民主執(zhí)政                                    B.堅持依法執(zhí)政學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

C.堅持對人民負責原則                          D.依法履行政治性義務(wù)學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)



A.質(zhì)詢權(quán)               B.立法權(quán)               C.決定權(quán)               D.提案權(quán)學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)


A.權(quán)利和義務(wù)統(tǒng)一的原則                      B.民主集中制學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

C.依法行政                                           D.人民代表大會制學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)



A.精神產(chǎn)品需要一定的物質(zhì)載體            B.民族精神是電影的載體學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

C.民族精神必須以電影為載體               D.精神產(chǎn)品需要民族精神為載體學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)


A.《漁光曲》有強烈的感染力                 B.中華文化源遠流長學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

C.民族精神永不泯滅                             D.文化是經(jīng)濟和政治的反映學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)


A.對社會發(fā)展產(chǎn)生深刻影響                   B.對國家的發(fā)展起決定作用學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

C.為民族復(fù)興起基礎(chǔ)性作用                   D.為取得抗戰(zhàn)勝利奠定基礎(chǔ)學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)


A.“全盤西化”文化                               B.“文化復(fù)古主義”文化學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

C.新民主主義文化                                 D.電影文化學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)



A.聯(lián)系是事物發(fā)展的動力                      B.人類社會是發(fā)展的學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

C.世界是普遍聯(lián)系的                             D.否定是事物聯(lián)系的環(huán)節(jié)學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)


A.堅持一切從實際出發(fā)                          B.樹立了創(chuàng)新意識學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

C.運用哲學解決社會問題                      D.堅持革命批判精神學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)


A.堅持具體問題具體分析                      B.堅持兩點論與重點論的統(tǒng)一學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

C.堅持做好量變的準備                          D.堅持世界的統(tǒng)一性在于它的物質(zhì)性學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)



A.尊重社會發(fā)展規(guī)律                             B.堅持群眾路線學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

C.做出正確的價值判斷和價值選擇        D.充分發(fā)揮人的主觀能動性學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)


A.堅持共性與個性的統(tǒng)一                      B.堅持運動與靜止的統(tǒng)一學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

C.堅持理論與實際的統(tǒng)一                      D.堅持整體與部分的統(tǒng)一學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)


A.王是天地人的主宰,象征最高權(quán)力   B.體現(xiàn)皇權(quán)獨尊學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

C.利于打擊割據(jù)                     D.有利于加強君主專制學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

20. 宋代文化教育相對普及,史載“為父兄者,以其子與弟不文為咎;為母妻者,以其子與夫不學為辱!睘檫@種現(xiàn)象提供技術(shù)條件的是學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

A.活字印刷術(shù)的發(fā)明                 B.科舉取士人數(shù)的增加學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

C.重文輕武政策的影響               D.商品經(jīng)濟的高度繁榮學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

21. 清朝乾隆年間紀曉嵐寫了一副對聯(lián):“一等人忠臣孝子,兩件事讀書耕田”。造成這種認識的根本原因是學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

A.儒家思想的影響                   B.宗法觀念的根深蒂固  學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

C.中國人耕讀傳統(tǒng)習慣的影響         D.小農(nóng)經(jīng)濟長期占據(jù)統(tǒng)治地位 學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)


    1. <fieldset id="azcbp"><dl id="azcbp"></dl></fieldset>


















      A.五四運動       B.新文化運動     C.太平天國運動   D.義和團運動學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)


      A.是中國近代化的開端               B.是師夷長技以制夷的踐行    學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

      C.是清政府的一場自救運動           D.滿洲貴族是推動洋務(wù)運動的核心力量學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)


      A.董仲舒         B.朱熹           C.袁世凱        D.康有為學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)


      A.①②③④       B.①②③         C.②③④         D.①②學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)


      A.萬隆會議                        B.日內(nèi)瓦會議  學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

      C.第一次不結(jié)盟首腦會議             D.和平共處五項原則學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)


      A.土地改革                                           B.對農(nóng)業(yè)的社會主義改造學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)

      C.家庭聯(lián)產(chǎn)承包責任制               D.人民公社化運動學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)







      A.指南針在航海上的使用             B.西歐商品經(jīng)濟和資本主義萌芽的發(fā)展

      C.西歐社會對黃金的追求             D.資本主義發(fā)展需要世界市場




























      A.日心學說       B.達爾文的進化論 C.牛頓的力學體系 D.量子理論


      A.進行社會主義革命                 B.建立工兵代表蘇維埃

      C.進行民主革命                     D.全部政權(quán)收歸蘇維埃

      34.1952年,西歐16國工業(yè)產(chǎn)量超過戰(zhàn)前35%,農(nóng)業(yè)超過戰(zhàn)前10%。造成這種狀況的原因有:①雅爾塔體系建立,國際局勢的相對穩(wěn)定 ②馬歇爾計劃的實行③第三次科技革命的推動④歐共體的成立

      A.①②③         B.②③④         C.①③④         D.①②④

      35.美國眾議院1月28日晚以244票贊成、188票反對通過了奧巴馬提出的總額為8190億美元的經(jīng)濟刺激計劃。該計劃中包含 “購買美國貨”條款,即所有經(jīng)濟刺激計劃項目必須使用美國制造的設(shè)備和商品。關(guān)于這一計劃的理解不正確的是

      A.具有典型的貿(mào)易保護特色                  B.不利于經(jīng)濟全球化的發(fā)展

      C.其目的是拉動內(nèi)需,創(chuàng)造就業(yè)             D.這一計劃體現(xiàn)了愛國主義精神


      A.報紙               B.電視                C.電影            D.互聯(lián)網(wǎng)



      A.東南方向         B.西南方向           C.東北方向          D.西北方向


      A.冰雪地面,反射陽光                          B.海拔高,空氣稀薄

      C.緯度高,風雪天氣頻繁                      D.氣溫低,氣壓高


      A.南極洲熱容量比北冰洋小                B.南極洲地勢比北冰洋高

      C.南極洲晴天比北冰洋少                 D.南極洲對太陽輻射的反射比北冰洋強



      A.那達慕              B.端午節(jié)        C.春節(jié)           D.重陽節(jié)







      A.潑辣                 B.幽默                 C.豪放                 D.細膩



      A.東北           B.西北           C.東南           D.西南


      A.10∶30、21∶30                   B.05∶30、18∶30   

      C.06∶30、17∶30                   D.09∶30、14∶3O


      A.元旦           B.婦女節(jié)         C.勞動節(jié)         D.國慶節(jié)

      文本框: 平均海平面(米)文本框: 溫度(℃)學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)


      A.17000年前                        B.11000年前     

      C.6000年前                         D.公元1400~1850年間







      學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)A.2000年前       B.8000年前

      C.12000年前      D.18000年前



      A.勞力充足       B.市場廣大      

      C.技術(shù)進步       D.交通便利


      A.亞洲           B.北美          

      C.歐洲           D.非洲


      A.國內(nèi)原料缺乏   B.國內(nèi)勞動力缺乏 C.國內(nèi)市場狹小   D.國內(nèi)能源缺乏




























      A.30ºN―40ºN西海岸                 B.30ºN―40ºN東海岸

      C.密西西比河三角洲                            D.五大湖區(qū)


         ①年平均氣溫、年降水量條件更適宜   ②氣溫年較差大,有利于蘋果糖分的積累

       ③夏季光照條件較好                 ④勞動力成本較低

      A.①③            B.②③          C.①④           D.②④






      55. 小球從8 m高處自由下落,被水平地板彈回后在2 m高處接住,則小球通過的路程和位移的大小等于

      A.10m6m     B.10 m2m      C.10m8m     D.6m10m 


      A. 脫水過程中,衣物是緊貼筒壁的

      B. 水會從桶中甩出是因為水滴受到向心力很大的緣故

      C. 加快脫水筒轉(zhuǎn)動角速度,脫水效果會更好

      D. 靠近中心的衣物脫水效果不如四周的衣物脫水效果好

      57. 豎直起飛的火箭當推力為F時,加速度為10 m / s2,當推力增大到2F時,火箭的加速

      度將達到(g取10 m / s2)                                                              

      A.20 m / s2           B.25 m / s2           C.30 m / s2          D.40 m / s2

      學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)58. 人們早在公元前6、7世紀就發(fā)現(xiàn)了磁石吸鐵、磁石指南等現(xiàn)象,



      A.東方              B.北方            C.西方      D.南方

      59. 如圖所示,有兩個相同質(zhì)量可看成質(zhì)點的鐵球和木球,放置在同一張水平桌面上.若選定地面為零勢能參考平面,則比較這兩個球的重力勢能的大小,正確的是

      學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)A.鐵球的重力勢能大                    B.木球的重力勢能大

      C.兩球的重力勢能一樣大                D.大小關(guān)系無法確定


      60. 我國成功發(fā)射了自行研制的 “神舟七號”宇宙飛船,首次進行了宇航員的太空行走,飛船順利返回地面,這是我國航天事業(yè)的一個新的里程碑.當飛船在環(huán)繞地球的軌道上飛行時,飛船中的航天員

      A.不受地球引力作用                         B.處于失重狀態(tài)

      C.處于平衡狀態(tài)                             D.處于超重狀態(tài)


      61. 下列是幾種典型的電場線的分布示意圖,其中正確的是







      A.提純粗鹽(蒸餾)                 B.回收工場中的廢鐵屑(磁鐵吸引)   

      C.從廢機油中回收機油(分液)       D.從草木灰中提取鉀鹽(萃。


      A.元素原子最外層電子排布呈周期性變化  B.元素相對原子質(zhì)量依次遞增

      C.元素原子半徑大小呈周期性變化        D.元素的最高正化合價呈周期性變化


      A.燃燒           B.加成反應(yīng)       C.取代反應(yīng)       D.氧化反應(yīng)


      A.檢驗買來的奶粉中是否加有淀粉     B.洗去白色衣服上的番茄汁

      C.除去保溫瓶中的水垢               D.檢驗自來水中是否含有Cl


      A.在溶液中鋇離子可氧化Zn            B.鋇可以從NaCl溶液中置換出Na

      C.鋇可以從冷水中置換出H2                        D.鋇可以從CuCl2溶液中置換出Cu


      A.等體積0.1 mol/L HCl和0.1 mol/L H2SO4分別與0.2 mol/L NaOH溶液反應(yīng)

      B.等質(zhì)量鋅粒和鋅粉分別與等量1 mol/L HCl反應(yīng)

      C.等體積0.2 mol/L HCl和0.1 mol/L H2SO4與等量等表面積等品質(zhì)石灰石反應(yīng)


      69. 實驗表明,維生素D可優(yōu)先通過細胞膜擴散到細胞內(nèi)部,這主要與細胞的哪項結(jié)構(gòu)或功能有關(guān)?

      A.膜表面的糖蛋白                                 B.膜內(nèi)含有相應(yīng)的載體多

      C.膜的選擇透過性                    D.膜的支架磷脂雙分子層


      A.限制酶           B.DNA連接酶    C.DNA聚合酶      D.運載體

















      A.9              B.18             C.36             D.72










      本試題卷分第I卷和第 II卷兩部分。滿分120分,考試時間120分鐘。




      第一部分:英語知識運用 (共兩節(jié),滿分30 分)

      第一節(jié):單項填空 (共20小題;每小題0.5分, 滿分10 分)


      1. I was told that       10:15 flight would take us to Shanghai in time to reach       Fudan University.

      A.the; /                  B.the; a               C.a(chǎn); the                      D./; the

      2. I wish I could offer you some cake but there’s _______ left.

        A. nothing                B. none                 C. nobody                    D. no one

      3. I thought we’d be late for the concert, _______ we ended up getting there ahead of time.

        A. but                       B. or                     C. so                            D. for

      4. So far this year we _______ a fall in house prices by between 5 and 10 percent.

        A. saw                      B. see                    C. had seen                   D. have seen

      5. The British are not so familiar with different cultures and other ways of doing things, ________ is often the case in other countries.

        A. what                    B. as                     C. so                           D. that

      6. The room is in a terrible mess; it ________have been cleaned.

        A. can’t                    B. mustn’t             C. shouldn’t                  D. wouldn’t

      7. A well-written composition ________ good choice of words and clear organization among other things.

        A. calls on                B. calls up             C. calls for                   D. calls off

      8. In the factory women _______ 44% of the workforce, and nearly half the mothers with children are in paid work.

        A. build up               B. set up                C. make up                   D. take up

      9. He came back late, _______ which time all the guests had already left.

        A. after                     B. by                    C. at                                   D. during

      10. As a result of the earthquake, two-thirds of the buildings in the area________.

        A. need repairing              B. needs repairing  C. needs to be repaired   D. need to repair

      11. ---I have some big news for you. You’ve been accepted as a member of our team.

         --- __________

        A. Pardon?                B. Have I       ?             C. Congratulations!              D. Good idea!

      12. “Sorry, sorry…”, he whispered, _______ talking to himself.

        A. while                   B. even if                     C. as if                         D. when

      13. “China Daily”, whose editorial office is in Beijing, also has _______ in all major cities in China.

        A. branches               B. companies         C. organizations            D. businesses

      14. ---They are quiet, aren’t they?
          ---Yes. They are accustomed ______at meals.
       A. to talk                  B. to not talk      C. to talking                 D. to not talking

      15. Medicine shouldn’t be kept _______ it is accessible to children.

        A. even if                 B. which               C. where                      D. so that

      16. --- Are you happy with this laboratory?

        --- Not a little. We can’t have _______.

        A. a worse one          B. a nicer one        C. so bad one                D. so nice one

      17. _______ to her own work, she spent little time with her children.

        A. Devoting                     B. To be devoted    C. Devoted                   D. Having devoted

      18. When asked to explain ________ he does to make his students so fascinated with his lessons, the teacher paused and thought deeply.

        A. what it is that                                    B. that what it is                 

      C. what is it that                                D. that what is that

      19. So far all cloned animals have suffered from some different serious disorders, _______ dying soon after birth.

        A. many of which      B. many of whom  C. many of them           D. many of that

      20. ---Lost and Found office. ________?

         --- I wonder if you have a small black suitcase of mine.

        A. What can I do for you                        B. Who’s that

        C. What’s that                                       D. How do you do


      第二節(jié): 完形填空 (共20 小題; 每小題1 分, 滿分20 分)

      閱讀下面短文,掌握其大意,然后從21-40 各題所給的A,B,C,D四個選項中選出最佳選項,并在答題紙上將該項標號涂黑。

          I was sure that I was to be killed. I became terribly nervous. I fumbled (searched) in my pockets to see if there were any cigarettes, which   21   their search. I found   22   and because of my shaking hands, I could   23   get it to my lips. But I had no matches, they had taken those. I looked   24   the bars at my jailer. He did not make eye contact with me. I   25   to him “Have you got a light?” He looked at me, shrugged and came over to light my cigarette.   26   he came close and lit the match, his eyes inadvertently(無意中)locked with mine. At that moment, I   27  . I don't know why I did that. Perhaps it was   28  , perhaps it was because, when you get very close, one to another, it is very   29   not to smile. In any case, I smiled. In that instant, it was   30   a spark jumped across the gap between our two hearts, our two human souls. I know he didn't want to, but my smile leaped through the bars and generated smile on his lips, too. He lit my cigarette but   31  , looking at me directly in the eyes and continuing to smile.

           I   32   smiling at him, now aware of him as a(n)   33   and not just a jailer. And his looking at me seemed to have a new   34   too. “Do you have kids?” he asked. “Yes, here, here.” I took out my wallet and nervously fumbled for the   35   of my family. He, too, took out the pictures of his family and began to talk about his plans and hopes for them. My eyes filled with tears. I said that I feared that I'd never see my family again, never have the chance to see them grow up. Tears came to his eyes, too.   36   without another word, he   37   my cell (牢房) and silently led me out.Out of the jail,quietly and by back routes,out of the town. There, at the edge of town, he released me. And without another word, he turned back toward the town.

      “My life was   38   by a smile.” Yes, the smile―the unaffected, unplanned,   39   connection between people. I really believe that if that part of you and that part of me could   40   each other, we wouldn't be enemies. We couldn't have hate or envy or fear.

      21. A. had lost               B. had given           C. had escaped         D. had reached

      22. A. them          B. it                     C. that                  D. one

      23. A. barely         B. quickly               C. possibly              D. 1ikely

      24. A. on              B. through             C. at                     D. up

      25. A. gave out          B. let out                 C. called out            D. screamed out

      26. A. As                B. before                C. after                        D. until

      27. A. cried             B. shook               C. refused               D. smiled

      28. A. anger            B. nervousness         C. bitterness            D. sympathy

      29. A. easy               B. hard                        C. glad                        D. embarrassed

      30. A. even though     B. as well as           C. as though           D. as long as

      31. A. went away       B. dropped out        C. stayed far            D. stayed near

      32. A. kept             B. stopped             C. began                    D. forgot

      33. A. stranger          B. enemy               C. opponent             D. person

      34. A. dimension             B. suggestion           C. impression          D. concept

      35. A. cigarettes        B. bags                   C. pictures              D. wallet

      36. A. Intentionally           B. Unconsciously      C. Unwillingly       D. Suddenly

      37. A. unfolded        B. unlocked              C. uncontrolled       D. undefended

      38. A. misled                B. destroyed            C. saved                       D. ignored

      39. A. surprising      B. natural               C. different             D. frequent

      40. A. like             B. expect               C. notice                D. recognize





      In the age of reality television, success isn’t the only way to the public eye. Failure can also create fame, just like William Hung, 21, a native of Hong Kong.

      Hung recently has made an agreement with US-based entertainment firms Koch Records and Fuse Music Network. They will publish a full-length record, titled “The True Idol” on April 6.

      The idol is a civil engineering student at the University of California at Berkeley. He did a version of Ricky Martin’s “She Bangs” on the television show “American Idol 3”, on January 27. The Fox TV singing contest searches for pop stars among ordinary people. In the case of Hung, however, his act was so bad that the judges cut him off in mid-act.

      Hung’s response? “I already gave my best, so I have no regrets at all.” That’s good, because any common person would have found plenty to regret: The off-key singing. The blue Hawaiian shirt worn with pants pulled up too high. The terrible dancing. The hips jerking (搖擺) to a beat that did not belong to the song, maybe not even to this planet. It was, by all accounts, bad. But, it was this very bad act that sold well.

      Marc Juris, president of Fuse, explained it this way: “Every one of us is happily guilty of singing our favorite song at the top of our lungs with complete freedom, completely off-key and completely unworried. That’s what William did and immediately won the hearts of America.” Whatever it is, for the moment it’s big. Three websites devoted to Hung have gone up on the Internet in the past few weeks. Versions of his performance have been remixed with hip hop and techno-music and have made it to the top 10 request list at a Chicago radio station.

      So, what does Hung think of this?

      “There were all these people saying things about me. A lot were saying I was very courageous and that I was great on the show, but some didn’t have much respect for me and some were kind of mean.”

      Now he says he’s not so sure whether to distance himself from the glamour (魅力) or to accept it. Returning to normal hasn’t been easy.

      41. What is the main idea of this passage?

      A. Sometimes an idol behaves quite foolishly.  

      B. Hung’s performance attracted the public eye.

      C. How an unsuccessful person became famous.

      D. Success sometimes does not require hard work.

      42 Which of the following shows the correct order of what happened to Hung?

      a. The entertainment firms made an agreement with Hung.

      b. The judges cut Hung off in mid-act in the singing contest.

      c. Hung became popular among Americans.

      d. Hung gave a terrible performance though he tried his best.

      e. Three websites put Hung’s funny performance on the Internet.

      A. d, b, e, c, a          B. a, c, d, b, e       C. a, d, b, c, e          D. d, b, a, e, c

      43. Why was Hung able to win the hearts of America?

      A. His success was based on his own hard work.

      B. He attracted people’s attention in the contest.

      C. He was good-looking though he didn’t sing well.

        D. His character was completely different from other idols’.


      Believe it or not, optical illusion (錯覺) can cut highway crashes.

      Japan is a case in point. It has reduced automobile crashes on some roads by nearly 75 % using a simple optical illusion. Bent stripes, called chevrons (人字形), painted on the roads make drivers think that they are driving faster than they really are, and thus drivers slow down.

      Now the American Automobile Association Foundation for Traffic Safety in Washington D.C. is planning to repeat Japan’s success. Starting next year, the foundation will paint chevrons and other patterns of stripes on selected roads around the country to test how well the patterns reduce highway crashes.

          Excessive speed plays a major role in as much as one fifth of all fatal traffic accidents, according to the foundation. To help reduce those accidents, the foundation will conduct its tests in areas where speed-related hazards are the greatest―curves, exit slopes, traffic circles, and bridges.

      Some studies suggest that straight, horizontal bars painted across roads can at first cut the average speed of drivers in half. However, traffic often returns to full speed within months as drivers become used to seeing the painted bars.

      Chevrons, scientists say, not only give drivers the impression that they are driving faster than they really are, but also make a lane appear to be narrower. The result is a longer lasting reduction in highway speed and the number of traffic accidents.

      44. The passage mainly discusses ___________.

        A. a new way of highway speed control

        B. a new pattern for painting highways

        C. a new approach to training drivers

        D. a new type of optical illusion

      45. On roads painted with chevrons, drivers tend to feel that __________.

        A. they could avoid speed-related hazards

        B. they are driving in the wrong lane

        C. they should slow down their speed

        D. they are approaching the speed limit

      46. The advantage of chevrons over straight, horizontal bars is that the former __________.

       A. can keep drivers awake

      B. can cut road accidents in half

        C. will have a longer effect on drivers

        D. will look more attractive

      47. The American Automobile Association Foundation for Traffic Safety plans to __________.

        A. try out the Japanese method in certain areas

        B. change the road signs across the country

        C. replace straight, horizontal bars with chevrons

        D. repeat the Japanese road patterns


      Cafe Hub

      Near the Castle is The Hub, home of the Edinburgh International Festival and one of the most talked about spots in town. Our café is open every day for mouth-watering lunches, snacks and fine dining. Come in and enjoy the atmosphere of The Hub or watch the world go by from our beautiful house.

      The Hub, Castlehill, Royal Mile, Edinburgh.

      Open every day from 9:30 a.m. till late.

      Tel: 0131173 2067 www.thehub-edinburgh.com


      Farm World

      Enjoy being “A Farmer for a Day”. Join in delivering and feeding our spring babies―bottle feeding sessions twice daily. Fun for all family. Horse Rides, BMX Bikes Cross Country Course. Tractor Ride through 600 acres, New Adventure Playground, Nature Trails. Full details on website.

      Open: May―Oct. Wednesdays to Saturdays and daily during school holidays 11 a.m.―5 p.m.

      Tel: 01797 260256/260321 www.farmworldrye.co.uk


      Enter the Europe-wide student competition!

      Are you curious, creative and energetic? Are you interested in the new media? Are you between 12 and 9 years of age? Then Join Multimedia 2006 is for you!

      Your challenge will be to build a team and develop a multimedia presentation in English-based on one of three different topics. You can register (報名) between May 1 and June 15, 2006 and will have to turn in your entry before September 15, 2006.

      The rewards are wonderful: £ 150,000 in prize for schools and teams and the chance to attend a European student camp―plus new experiences, an opportunity to make friends throughout Europe!

      For further information and registration forms go to: www.siemens.com/join. multimedia.

      48. You’ll have to register first if you want          .

        A. to enjoy delicious food

        B. to try Tractor Ride through 600 acres

        C. to enter the Europe-wide student competition

        D. to watch the world go by from the beautiful house

      49. According to the passage, there will be          rewards for the Europe-wide student competition.

        A. only one               B. two                   C. three             D. four

      50. You can visit Farm World          .

        A. on Monday in May                                   B. any day in October

        C. at 2 p.m. at Christmas                        D. at 10:30 a.m. during school holidays

      51. From the advertisements above, we can learn that          .

        A. Cafe Hub is a popular place in the local area

        B. families can enjoy Horse Rides on New Adventure Playground

        C. Farm World provides lunches, snacks and fine dining

        D. the Europe-wide student competition will be held on June 15, 2006


      New technology links the world as never before. Our planet has shrunk. It’s now a “global village” where countries are only seconds away by fax or phone or satellite link. And, of course, our ability to benefit from this high-tech communications equipment is greatly enhanced by foreign language skills.
          Deeply involved with this new technology is a breed of modern businesspeople who have a growing respect for the economic value of doing business abroad. In modern markets, success overseas often helps support domestic business efforts.
          Overseas assignments are becoming increasingly important to advancement within executive ranks. The executive stationed in another country no longer need fear being “out of sight and out of mind.” He or she can be sure that the overseas effort is central to the company’s plan for success, and that promotions often follow or accompany an assignment abroad. If an employee can succeed in a difficult assignment overseas, superior will have greater confidence in his or her ability to cope back in the United States where cross-cultural considerations and foreign language issues are becoming more and more common.
          Thanks to a variety of relatively inexpensive communications devices with business applications, even small businesses in the United States are able to get into international markets.
          English is still the international language of business. But there is an ever-growing need for people who can speak another language. A second language isn’t generally required to get a job in business, but having language skills gives a candidate the edge when other qualifications appear to be equal.

      The employee posted abroad who speaks the country’s principal language has an opportunity to fast-forward certain negotiations, and can have the cultural insight to know when it is better to move more slowly. The employee at the home office who can communicate well with foreign clients over the telephone or by fax machine is an obvious asset to the firm.

      52. What is the author’s attitude toward high-tech communications equipment?
        A. Critical.                B. Indifferent.               C. Negative.                 D. Positive.

      53. With the increased use of high-tech communications equipment, business people_________.
      A. have to get familiar with modern technology

      B. are gaining more economic benefits from domestic operations

      C. are attaching more importance to their overseas business

      D. are eager to work overseas

      54. In this passage, “out of sight and out of mind” (Lines 2-3, Para. 3) probably means _________.
        A. being unable to think properly for lack of insight

      B. being totally out of touch with business at home

      C. missing opportunities for promotion when abroad

        D. leaving all care and worry behind

      55. According to the passage, what is an important consideration of international corporations    in employing people today?

        A. Connections with businesses overseas.         B. Ability to speak the client’s language.

      C. Technical know-how.                                D. Business experience.

      56. The advantage of employees having foreign language skills is that they can__________.
        A. better control the whole negotiation process

      B. easily find new approaches to meet market needs

      C. fast-forward their proposals to headquarters

      D. easily make friends with businesspeople abroad


      It’s very interesting to note where the debate about diversity is taking place. It is taking place primarily in political circles. Here at the College Fund, we have a lot of contact with top corporate(公司的)leaders; none of them is talking about getting rid of those instruments that produce diversity. In fact, they say that if their companies are to compete in the global village and in the global market place, diversity is an imperative. They also say that the need for talented, skilled Americans means we have to expand the pool of potential employees. And in looking at where birth rates are growing and at where the population is shifting, corporate America understands that expanding the pool means promoting policies that help provide skills to more minorities, more women and more immigrants. Corporate leaders know that if that doesn’t occur in our society, they will not have the engineers, the scientists, the lawyers, or the business managers they will need.
         Likewise, I don’t hear people in the academy saying, “Let’s go backward. Let’s go back to the good old days, when we had a meritocracy(不拘一格選人才) “(which was never true --- we never had a meritocracy, although we’ve come closer to it in the last 30 years). I recently visited a great little college in New York where the campus had doubled its minority population in the last six years. I talked with an African American who has been a professor there for a long time, and she remembers that when she first joined the community, there were fewer than a handful of minorities on campus. Now, all of us feel the university is better because of the diversity. So where we hear this debate is primarily in political circles and in the media -- not in corporate board rooms or on college campuses.
      57. Which of the following groups of people still differ in their views on diversity?
        A. Minorities.            B. Politicians.                      C. Professors.            D. Managers.
      58. High corporate leaders seem to be in favor of promoting diversity so as to _________.
       A. lower the rate of unemployment
       B. win equal political rights for minorities
       C. be competitive in the world market
       D. satisfy the demands of a growing population

      59. It can be inferred from the passage that __________.
       A. meritocracy can never be realized without diversity
       B. American political circles will not accept diversity
       C. it is unlikely that diversity will occur in the U.S. media
       D. minorities can only enter the fields where no debate is heard about diversity.
      60. According to the passage diversity can be achieved in American society by ________.
       A. expanding the pool of potential employees
       B. promoting policies that provide skills to employees
       C. training more engineers, scientists, lawyers and business managers
        D. providing education for all regardless of race or sex


      第二節(jié): 請閱讀下列關(guān)于澳大利亞幾個旅游景點的簡介及幾位旅客的相關(guān)信息, 從A、B、C、D、E和F中為每位旅客選出最合適的旅游景點。選項中有一項是多余選項。

      61. Mike is from Great Britain. He has often heard of the amazing Great Barrier Reef. He hopes to see it with his own eyes some day.

      62. Surrey is a sportsman who is very interested in water surfing, boating and some other sports on the sea. He hopes to enjoy the excitement as well as to relax on beaches.

      63. Jeffery is an architect who would like to see some 19th-century buildings while visiting Australia so as to make his designs more attractive.

      64. Nicholas is a scientist in geography. He would like to go to study something in the open, such as native wildlife, Ayers Rock and so on.

      65. Anderson is a college student in geography, who would like to pay a visit to the coral reefs, red plains and dunes (沙丘) while visiting Australia.

      A. Northern Territory & Darwin

         Australia’s Northern Territory is a cast region with diverse geography. It stretches from the tip of the northern coastline to the outback. Waterfalls, interesting rock formations including Uluru (Ayers Rock), native wildlife and parkland are commonplace throughout. Darwin is the capital of Australia’s Northern Territory-its relaxing atmosphere and location make it the perfect centre for touring the area.

      B. Queensland

          Australia’s fastest growing state is home to 3.6 million people, taking up around 25% of the continent’s area. Whether you’re after adrenalin-pumping adventure, relaxing on sun-kissed beaches, trekking through ancient rainforest or snorkeling(潛水)on the Great Barrier Reef, there’s an experience just waiting to become YOUR treasured memory. Where else but Queensland?

      C. Victoria & Melbourne

          Melbourne, the capital of Victoria, is a city of spectacular 19th-century buildings alongside contemporary structures and surrounded by large areas of parkland. It is home to more than three million people from more than 200 nations. Take a walk or a tram(電車)ride and enjoy a delicious meal, wonderful architecture, beautiful parks and gardens, and fabulous shopping.

      D. Sydney

         Including the harbor’s island and much of the foreshore(前灘), Sydney Harbor National Park is full of picnic areas, bays, harbor pools and beaches to relax in, It’s where ferries, yachts, cruise vessels, jet boats, catamarans and kayaks all jostle for (爭奪) a piece of the world’s best harbor, and you can enjoy a picnic surrounded by the harbor.

      E. Adelaide

        There’s so much to do in South Australia. And it’s all so close. Adelaide is the perfect gateway to the State’s 12 tourism regions. ..From cozy bed, tasty breakfasts and seaside villas to luxury city penthouses and gourmet retreats, we’ve got the accommodation to suit every taste and budget.

      F. Tasmania

        Tasmania is a land apart-a place of wild and beautiful landscapes; friendly, welcoming people; a pleasant, temperate climate; wonderful wine and food; a rich history; and a relaxed island lifestyle. Whether travelling from the ancient and varied terrains (地帶) of the Kimberley to the towering forests of the southwest, from the unique coral reefs off our coast to the endless red plains and dunes of our arid heartland, you’ll find amazing series of outdoor experiences and enjoyable holidays.








      注意:1. 每處錯誤及其修改均僅限一詞;

       2. 只允許修改10處,多者(從11處起)不計分。

      A boy who was cleaning the shoes in the street said to a young man passed by,“Let me clean your boots. It just spends you only a penny.”But the man refused. Then the boy told him that he will clean his boots for nothing. The man agreed, and soon one of the boot shone brightly. Then he put the other boot on the box, and the boy refused to clean it if he was paid two pence for his work. The young man refused pay anything and went away. But the well-cleaning boot made the dirty one so bad that he could not walk on. He returned back and gave the boy two pence.          






      To all the students;

      Recycling textbooks is very common in some western countries.                                       ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________                             


                                                                      School Students Union














      1-5. ABADB   6-10. ACCBA        11-15.BCADC              16-20. BCACA


      21-25. CDABC      26-30. ADBBC      31-35. DADAC      36-40. DBCBD


      41-43.CAD     44-47. ACCA         48-51. CBCA         52-56. DCCBA      57-60. BCAD


      61-65 BDCAF


      1. 將第一個the去掉   2. passed→passing     3. spends→costs   4. will→would

      5. boot→boots   6. and→but     7. if → unless     8. 在pay前加to

      9. well-cleaning→well-cleaned  10. returned→turned或?qū)ack去掉


      One possible version:

      To all the students;

      Recycling textbooks is very common in some western countries. It has been proved an effective way in some countries, like Australia, which obtains a quantity of benefits from this newly-developed method.

      We ought to recycle textbooks as a way of environmental protection. For one thing, recycling textbooks can not only save natural resources such as wood, but also save lots of expenses for our parents. For another, the notes on the textbooks, made by senior students are of much help to those who want to reuse the books. To sum up, recycling textbooks is both useful and helpful. It will do a lot of good to both the government and students' families.

      So we hope all the students can donate our used textbooks. Remember---everyone’s effort counts.


      School Students Union












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