0  1321  1329  1335  1339  1345  1347  1351  1357  1359  1365  1371  1375  1377  1381  1387  1389  1395  1399  1401  1405  1407  1411  1413  1415  1416  1417  1419  1420  1421  1423  1425  1429  1431  1435  1437  1441  1447  1449  1455  1459  1461  1465  1471  1477  1479  1485  1489  1491  1497  1501  1507  1515  3002 






I     選擇題(共70分)





    A、90°E             B、90°W            C、0 °                D、180°學(xué)科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)學(xué)科網(wǎng)


       A、13時(shí)20分         B、12時(shí)                  C、15時(shí)                D、14時(shí)20分學(xué)科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)學(xué)科網(wǎng)


       A、有大面積的熱帶草原              B、有世界著名的北海道漁場學(xué)科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)學(xué)科網(wǎng)

       C、此地盛產(chǎn)香蕉學(xué)科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)學(xué)科網(wǎng)                                                                                                                                                                                                          D、有豐富的石油資源學(xué)科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)學(xué)科網(wǎng)




  A.“高一高一低”模式            B.“高一低一高”模式

  C.“高一高一高”模式            D.“低一低一低”模式


  A. 勞動力數(shù)量較少    B.勞動力比重較大  C.性別構(gòu)成較合理    D.年齡構(gòu)成較輕


6.若H是一個(gè)工廠,最適宜的是  A.磚瓦廠    B.鋼鐵廠    C.玻璃廠    D.化工廠


  A.減弱噪聲    B.減少酸雨    C.保持水土    D.綠化環(huán)境


  A. 水泥廠與供熱廠 B.石膏板材廠與水泥廠 C.發(fā)電廠與H廠 D.污水處理廠與H廠




  A. 相對較低,水熱條件差    B.相對較低,水熱條件好

  C.呈現(xiàn)高值,水熱條件差    D.呈現(xiàn)高值,水熱條件好


A.緯度    B.年日照時(shí)數(shù)   C.地面反射率    D.年平均正午太陽高度



A.工廠和交通     B.建筑和娛樂業(yè)

C.網(wǎng)吧和歌廳     D.采礦和伐木







材料一 福建省年等降水量分布圖和福建省地形剖面圖







材料二 福建省委、省政府提出:“建設(shè)海峽西岸經(jīng)濟(jì)區(qū)”這一戰(zhàn)略構(gòu)想,中心目標(biāo)就是發(fā)展福建經(jīng)濟(jì),在一個(gè)更大的范圍內(nèi)進(jìn)行產(chǎn)業(yè)結(jié)構(gòu)調(diào)整和資源配置,為將來全面實(shí)現(xiàn)兩岸“三通”,建設(shè)臺灣海峽兩岸經(jīng)濟(jì)圈奠定基礎(chǔ)。海峽西岸經(jīng)濟(jì)區(qū)是指福州、廈門為中心,以閩東南為主體,北起浙江溫州,南至廣東汕頭,向西延伸到南平、三明、龍巖的臺灣海峽西部海域與陸地。

材料三 海峽西岸經(jīng)濟(jì)區(qū)區(qū)位示意圖。












材料四 正在建設(shè)中的泉(州)三(明)高速公路,將進(jìn)一步優(yōu)化我省交通運(yùn)輸網(wǎng),加強(qiáng)東南沿海地區(qū)與閩中、閩北地區(qū)的聯(lián)系,促進(jìn)兩地區(qū)自然資源開發(fā)和人力資源交流,帶動相關(guān)經(jīng)濟(jì)的發(fā)展,實(shí)現(xiàn)山海協(xié)作、共同進(jìn)步。


(1)我省年降水量空間分布有何特征? 為什么這樣分布?(4分)





    材料一  2008年11月15日,二十國集團(tuán)領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人金融市場和世界經(jīng)濟(jì)峰會在美國華盛


    材料二  下圖中B處有世界上一種典型的地貌景觀,該地山高谷深,為避風(fēng)的良好場

    所。B附近地區(qū)以“文化大拼盤”著稱,在這里,有印第安人、新法蘭西阿卡蒂人,蘇格蘭、愛爾蘭風(fēng)俗語言到處可見可聞。而20世紀(jì)以來,大量亞洲和中東的新移民也紛紛用自己的文化點(diǎn)綴著這里的多元文化風(fēng)情。  圖中C處所示海區(qū)及其附近陸地經(jīng)常大霧彌漫、陰雨連綿,尤其是在陸地的谷地,大霧陰雨經(jīng)常持續(xù)多天,為當(dāng)?shù)亟煌◣砹撕艽蟮挠绊憽?/p>




(2)圖中B處地貌類型是     ,圖中C處海域及其附近陸地多大霧陰雨的自然原因。(8分)





(5)左圖中F地的農(nóng)業(yè)地域類型是               ,請分析形成的主要區(qū)位因素。(7分)




地 理




    第Ⅰ卷  (選擇題共50分)    .




文本框: 注意事項(xiàng)
1.本試卷包含選擇題(第1題~第30題,30小題,共60分)、判斷題(第3l題~第40題,10小題,共10分)、綜合題(第4l題~第44題,4大題,共30分)共三部分?忌痤}全部答在答題卡上,答在本試卷上無效。本次考試時(shí)間為75 分鐘,滿分100分?荚嚱Y(jié)束后,請將本試卷和答題卡一并放在桌面,等待監(jiān)考員收回。
4.答選擇題、判斷題必須用2B鉛筆把答題卡上對應(yīng)題目的答案標(biāo)號涂黑。如需改動,請用橡皮擦干凈后,再選涂其它答案。答綜合題必須用書寫黑色字跡的 0.5毫米簽字筆寫在答題卡上的指定位置,在其它位置答題一律無效。

地    理



                 命題人   金益群         2009年4月

<tbody id="dgata"><address id="dgata"><cite id="dgata"></cite></address></tbody>
  •       項(xiàng)





















    1. i'll give you the book as soon as you arrive.
    2. i'm not as/so beautiful as my sister.
    3. i'll come to the school as soon as possible.
    4. Don't ask your father for too much money.
    5. please tell/Don't ask me how to make a cake.
    6. i've told you not to be late for school.
    7. the little girl was afraid of sleeping alone.
    8. i was busy doing my homework.
    9. the young man was famous for his handsome.
    they are late /ready for class.
    i was/felt sorry for his death.
    10.i'm glad that you like my present.
    11.Both my brother and i like pop muisc.
    12.thanks for buying me the beautiful flower.
    13.either or是“或”;“既不 也不”應(yīng)為neither nor
    either/neither Tom or/nor Mary is the right person for the job.
    14.i enjoy/hate playing football.
    i'll finish/mind/keep/go on doing the briong work.
    15.the environment will get better and better.
    16.you should learn how to get on (well)with others.
    17.Have you get ready for the coming holiday?
    19.you'd better (not)take a pen with you.
    20.Don't help him (to)do/with his homework.
    21.i don'k think that our speed will slow down.
    22.I would like to stay at home (rather than go shopping).
    would you like to go out with me?
    23.it takes me two hour to finish my homework.
    24.it's bad/good for you to read this kind of books.
    25.it's important for you to drink enough water.
    26.it's time for/to have lunch.
    27.it's two meters(years)long(old)

     28.i'm sorry for keeping you waiting for me for two hours.
    29.remember to keep/make your eyes open.
    30.i like swimming/to swim.
    31.you should make an effort to make/let him study hard.
    33.i do not like shopping at all.
    34.not only you but also you parents were invited to the party.
    35.i did not go to bed until my mother came back.
    36.when i came into the classroom,one of my classmates was singing,the other were listening to her.
    37.i saw/heard him play football yesterday.
    i saw/heard him playing football this time yesterday.
    38.i was so tired that i can not open my eyes.
    39.Don't spend too much money on clothes.
    Don't spend too much time in playing computer.
    40.you'd'better stop him from coming back too late.
    41.i stopped to talk with him.我停下來去和他交談
    i stopped talking with him.我停止和他交談
    42.you'd better take/bring this book with you.
    43.the harder you work,the more money you will gain.
    44.there is something wrong with the computer-it does't work.
    45.i'm too nervous to say something.
    46.i used to go to the shop for breakfast every morning.
    47.what about/how about going out for a dinner with me?
    48.what's wrong/the matter with you?you look bad.
    49.why not go out for a picnic?
    50.will(would,could)you please give me the bill?



    地    理       



    第Ⅰ卷(選擇題  共50分)學(xué)科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)學(xué)科網(wǎng)







    中考同義句 句型精選50


    1.Do remember to lock the door when you leave.

    ______ _______you lock the door when you leave.

    2.The little girl wanted to know when her father could take her to Paris.

    The little girl wanted to know______ ______ be taken to Paris.

    3.French is not the first language in any of these countries.

    French is the first language in ______ _______ these countries.

    4.My uncle left the room. he said nothing to us.

    My uncle left the room______ _______ anything to us.

    5.He wasn't good at English. I thought.

    I____ _____ ______he was good at english.

    6.Both Mike and Mary have been to Beijing.(否定句)

    ______Mike______Mary______been to Beijing.

    7.It took him an hour to write the letter.

    He _______an hour_______the letter.

    8.We should knock a long stick into the earth.

    A long stick _______ ________ _______into the earth.

    9.She paid 400 yuan for the new bike.

    The new bike_______ ______400 yuan.

    10.How about playing basketball with us?

    ____ ______play football with us?

    11. "Will Wang Feng come here in a minute?" she asked.

    She asked______Wang Feng______ come here in a minute?

    12.Jim didn't visit the museum yesterday. He stayed at home.

    Jim stayed at home yesterday_______ ______visiting the museum.

    13.There are more people in China than in India.

    The________of China is________than that of India.

    14.The talk is very important.

    The talk is_____great______.

    15.He can't catch the bus if he doesn't run fast.

    He can't catch the bus______ he______fast.

    16.You should let someone repair the TV set.

    You should______the TV set __________.

    17Jim wants to go boatingand his parents want to go boating, too.

    Jim wants to go boating and________ _______his parents.

    18.The ice on the lake was so thin that people couldn't skate on it.

    The ice on the lake was not ______ enough______people to____ _____.

    19.How many people are there in France.

    ______ _____the population of France?

    20.We hold the International Kite Festival in Weifang every year.

    The International Kite Festival____ _______in Weifang every year.
    21.They say that Mr liu can speak German.

    ______ ______that Mr Liu can speak German.

    22.My sister prefers reading to going shopping.

    My sister likes_______ ______than going shopping.

    My sister prefers____ _____rather than______ shopping.

    23.I feel like going to the zoo with my friends this Saturday.

    I_______like to____to the zoo with my friends this Saturday.

    24.He doesn't do any other things. He is only on internet.

    He is always on internet______ _____doing other things.

    25.The picture was usually put up in the park near the playground.

    The picture was put up in the park____to the playground as_______.

    26.It seems that he has had a cold.

    He seems_____ ______had a cold.

    27.The tree is so tall that we can't reach it.

    The tree is______tall______us ______ _____.

    28.I'm interested in the old museum in this city.

    The old museum in this city______ ______ _____me.

    29.They knew everything only after you told him.

    They knew______ _______ you told him.

    30.There are many trees around the house. It's my house.

    The house______many trees around is _______.

    31.I won't pass the exam if you don't help.

    I won't pass the exam ______ your_______.

    32.Father Christmas comes from a real person in history.

    Father Christmas is ________ ____ a real person in history.

    33.He doesn't know much Japanese.

    He ______ only a______Japanese.

    34.If you ask him, he will you tell you the truth.

    _______him,______he will tell you the truth.

    35.She likes to make her own clothes. She doesn't like to buy them in shops.

    She prefers making her own clothes_____ _____buying them in shops.

    36.Neither Tom nor Jack read yesterday's newspaper.

    Tom didn't read yesterday's newspaper,_______ ________Jack.

    37.I heard he was singing in the next room.

    I heard_______ ______in the next room.

    38.Peter is 150 centimeters tall,so is Mike.

    Mike is the same_______ ______Peter.

    39.The doctor told him to stop smoking.

    The doctor told him to _____ _______smoking.

    40.Please don't make our room dirty.

    Please _____ our classroom____.
    41.The heavy rain stopped them from leaving home.

    The heavy rain_______ them _______ at home.

    42.This book isn't as interesting as that one.

    This book is _______interesting than that one.

    43.There are more people in this city than in that city.

    The _____ of this city is_______than _____of that one.

    44.This book has nothing to do with English.

    This book is_____ _______English.

    45.Bob had no teacher,but he learned English well at his young age.

    Bob________ ______English when he was young.

    46.There's nobody but a passenger in the bus.

    There's______ one passenger in the bus.

    47.Bob's lonely because it's difficult for him to make friends.

    Bob's lonely because he______ ________at making friends.

    48.Plant more trees every year and the desert will become green in a few years' time.

    If you plant more trees every year,the desert will______ ______ with green trees in a few years' time.

    49.The jacket cost so little that he bought it.

    The jacket _____ ______ ______for him to buy.

    50.His father is working.

    His father is ______ _______

    答案:1.Make sure 2.when to 3.none of 4.without saying 5.didn't think that 6.Neither nor has 7.spent writing(on) 8.should be knocked 9.cost her 10.Why not 11.if/whether would 12.instead of 13.population larger 14.of importance 15.unless runs 16.have repaired 17.so do 18.thick for skate on 19.What is 20.is held 21.It's said 22.reading better 23.would go 24.

    instead of 25.next usual 26.to have 27.too for to reach 28.is interesting to 29.nothing before/until 30with mine 31.without help 32.based on 33.knows little 34. Ask and 35.instead of 36.neither/nor did37.him singing 38.heitht as 39. give up 40.keep clean 41.kept staying 42.less 43.population larger that 44.not about 45.taught himself 46.only 47.is bad 48.be covered 49.was cheap enough 50.at work







