0  1294  1302  1308  1312  1318  1320  1324  1330  1332  1338  1344  1348  1350  1354  1360  1362  1368  1372  1374  1378  1380  1384  1386  1388  1389  1390  1392  1393  1394  1396  1398  1402  1404  1408  1410  1414  1420  1422  1428  1432  1434  1438  1444  1450  1452  1458  1462  1464  1470  1474  1480  1488  3002 

湖南師大附中  湖南廣益實驗中學


時量:120分鐘        滿分:100 分




湖南師大附中  湖南廣益實驗中學


高一年級 語文(必修2) 模塊

時量:120分鐘        滿分:100 分

命題人:黃志清  吳音瑩   審題人:郭在時  備課組長:黃志清


湖南師大附中  湖南廣益實驗中學


高一年級 經(jīng)濟生活 模塊

時量:90分鐘        滿分:100 分





命題人:姜小明  審題人:高二政治備課組 備課組長:姜小明






 (考試時間:100分鐘   總分120分)

命題人:  王榮根(姜堰教研室)   趙燦冬(省靖江中學)    劉定鵬(興化一中)

審題人:  顧建新(泰興教研室)   丁  駿(泰州市教研室)





第Ⅰ卷(選擇題 共31分)



三月份月考 地 理 試 題




6ec8aac122bd4f6e1、H點緯度變化與下列現(xiàn)象對應正確的是(  )





2、當H點位于②時。下列敘述正確的是(  )







3.這次天氣變化過程最有可能是由(    )

A.反氣旋造成        B.氣旋造成      C.冷鋒造成      D.暖鋒造成

4.這次降水的形成原因是 ( 。                           

   A.氣流下沉造成                      B.氣流對流上升造成

   C.暖氣團主動沿鋒面爬升造成          D.暖氣團被迫抬升造成






 5.圖中若甲圖為某山區(qū)等高線地形圖(單位:米),且該地多巖崩和泥石流等地質(zhì)災害,圖甲中最易發(fā)生泥石流災害的地點是(      )

    A.A地             B.B地        C.C地          D.D地

6.若乙圖為甲圖中某地等高線的一部分,實線為等高線(單位:米),虛線為泥石流路線,某游客此時正好位于O點,則其正確的逃生路線是圖中①~④中的哪一條路線(      )

    A.①             B.②         C.③             D.④


6ec8aac122bd4f6e 6ec8aac122bd4f6e 6ec8aac122bd4f6e






7.關于四國地理特征的敘述,不正確的是(  )

  A 甲國被譽為“騎在羊背上的國家”    B 乙國是世界上輸出農(nóng)產(chǎn)品最多的國家

C 丙國北部海域有世界著名的漁場      D 丁國位于歐洲的“十字路口”

8.關于四國城市的敘述,正確的是(  )

A 最大港口所臨海域都受暖流影響                B 首都都是最大城市

C 最大城市都是國際金融中心                    D 主要城市都分布在東南沿海

9.關于四國河流的敘述,正確的是( 。

  A 甲國最長河流為內(nèi)流河                        B乙國有世界最長的河流

  C 丙國河流徑流量穩(wěn)定                          D 丁國河流航運價值大



10.下列說法正確的是(  。





11.有關四個半島氣候的敘述,正確的是(   )











12.選擇最近路線航行,貨輪經(jīng)過海峽的先后順序是                          (    )

    A.①②③④       B.④③②①       C.③④①②       D.③①④②

13.貨輪通過①海峽時,其航行情況為                                      (    )

    A.順風順水       B.順風逆水       C.逆風順水       D.逆風逆水

14.若沿途不裝卸任何貨物,經(jīng)過④海峽后.貨輪的吃水深度將會              (    )

    A.變淺           B.加深           C.不變           D.無法判斷

15.下列有關四個海峽的說法正確的是                                      (    )

    A.屬于大洲分界線的是①和②         B.溝通兩大洋的是③

    C.兩岸屬于發(fā)展中國家的是②和④     D.處于板塊消亡邊界的是①和④



16.關于該剖面線兩端洋流的說法,正確的是                  (    )

A.大陸兩側(cè)的洋流性質(zhì)和流向均不相同 B.大陸兩側(cè)的洋流性質(zhì)不相同,但流向相同

C.大陸東西兩側(cè)洋流都主要為風海流 D.因緯度相似,大陸兩側(cè)近岸海水鹽度大致相同

17.關于該地區(qū)自然地理特征的說法,正確的是              (    )

A.①、②兩地自然景觀相似    B.①山西側(cè)沿海與②山東側(cè)沿海降水差異很大





18.以經(jīng)濟作物P1、P2為原料的工業(yè)分別是( 。?

A. 橡膠工業(yè)、制糖工業(yè)      B. 造紙工業(yè)、醫(yī)藥工業(yè)

C. 紡織工業(yè)、紡織工業(yè)      D. 制糖工業(yè)、飲料工業(yè)

19.當A處鹽度達一年中最低時,下列現(xiàn)象可能出現(xiàn)的是(    )

A.新加坡正午太陽高度為一年中最大      B.堪培拉晝長夜短

 C.北印度洋海區(qū)海水自東向西流          D.地球公轉(zhuǎn)速度較慢20. 城市③形成的主要有利條件是(    )

A. 便利的交通運輸          B. 雄厚的農(nóng)業(yè)基礎

C. 悠久的歷史              D. 豐富的石油資源



21.某企業(yè)布局在甲地,該企業(yè)可能是( 。

A. 煉鋁廠     B. 水果罐頭廠     C. 高檔服裝廠   D. 瓶裝飲料廠

22.某企業(yè)生產(chǎn)必需的兩種原料分別來源于M1、M2,N是該企業(yè)的唯一市場,以M1、M2為圓心的同心圓分別代表生產(chǎn)單位產(chǎn)品所需兩種原料的等運費線,以N為圓心的同心圓分別代表單位產(chǎn)品的等運費線,如果僅考慮運費因素,下列四個地點建廠最合適的是 (    )

A.乙          B.丙          C.丁         D.戊

23.該企業(yè)經(jīng)過技術革新后,生產(chǎn)單位產(chǎn)品所消耗的來源于M2 地的原料的重量下降到原來的三分之一。該企業(yè)在建立新的工廠時,對其廠址選擇影響最大的因素是(    )

A. 來源于M1地的原料    B. 來源于M2地的原料    C. 市場    D. 技術



24.關于我國交通運輸方式的敘述,不正確的是 (    )

A. 20世紀50年代到2000年鐵路的旅客周轉(zhuǎn)量總體在上升

  B. 1991年鐵路、公路、航空的旅客周轉(zhuǎn)量大致相同

C. 20世紀50年代到2000年公路的旅客周轉(zhuǎn)量所占百分比增長幅度最大

 D. 2000年在圖中所示運輸方式中,航空的旅客周轉(zhuǎn)量最小

25.目前鐵路旅客周轉(zhuǎn)量所占百分比低于公路的原因主要是 (    )

A. 公路的速度比鐵路快                    B. 選乘鐵路的旅客數(shù)量在減少

C. 航空等其它交通運輸方式對鐵路沖擊大    D. 與鐵路相比,公路更加靈活




(1)此刻太陽直射點的地理坐標是                  。

(2)甲乙兩地位于      (晨或昏)線,乙地日出時刻為       ,乙地晝長為      小時,我國南極中山考察站的夜長為          小時。

(3)該日北京(緯度為400N)正午太陽高度是          。此時北京時間為      時。


















(1)圖中P地區(qū)的溫度范圍是         ,比較圖中M、N兩地氣溫的差異,并分析原因。(3分)







(2)寶山鋼鐵集團公司區(qū)位選擇的主導因素是       .從環(huán)境保護角度看,寶山鋼鐵廠的區(qū)位選擇是否合理:         ,原因是                                              

































(1)若該圖表示我國華北地區(qū)某地,則地下水主要補給水源是                ,河流徑流的季節(jié)變化和年際變化比較       ,產(chǎn)生原因為              。(3分)

(2)圖中東西兩側(cè),降水轉(zhuǎn)變?yōu)榈叵滤浞值氖?u>       側(cè),理由是               。(3分)

(3)圖中該地區(qū)城鎮(zhèn)利用地下水方面存在的問題是             ,為緩解該問題導致的不良后果,應采取的措施有                                  。(2分)
























(1)該城市欲建高新技術產(chǎn)業(yè)園,最適宜建在①②③④四地中的         地。(1分)

(2)圖例甲表示的功能區(qū)是        區(qū),試說明你判斷的理由。(5分)






























考試時間:60分鐘     滿分:70分






命題人:陳明勝  審題人:董德樂







命題:麻城一中     陳正紅






1.How is the MP3?

A.It is in bad condition.                   B.It is new.                         

C.It is in good condition.

2.What are the speakers talking about?

A.Their vacation plans.                    B.New York.                       C.Their reading plans.

3.Whose address does the woman want to know?

A.The man’s.                                 B.Her English teacher’s.              C.Mary’s .

4.What does the man imply?

A.The film has already started.         B.He also wants to see the film tonight..

C.The woman can buy the tickets for later films..

5.What’ll the woman do on Saturday?

A.Go to see a film with Mary.                 B.Have dinner at her uncle’s.

C.Go to a concert with the man.




6.When will the woman leave?

A.At 5 o’clock this afternoon.                 B.At 5 o’clock this morning.

C.At 5 o’clock tomorrow morning.

7.Where is the woman now?

A.At home.               B.At a hotel.                 C.At the railway station.

8.What can we learn about the man?

A.He probably works in a taxi company.

B.He is a policeman.

C.He is selling tickets at the railway station.


9.What does the woman do?

A.A policewoman.                   B.A teacher.          C.A doctor.

10.What happened to Mr.Walton’s car?

A.Two thieves stole it away.            B.The police took it away.

C.It was damaged.

11.When did Mr.Walton start his work today?

A.At nine thirty.               B.At seven.                   C.At ten.


12.Where does the conversation take place?

A.In a hotel.                            B.At the airport.            C.In the Exhibition Center.

13.Which floor is the computer exhibition on?

A.The second floor.                 B.The third floor.          C.The fifth floor.

14.What’s Peter’s trouble?

A.His room isn’t the best one.

B.He has no enough money to pay the woman.

C.He can’t live in a single room as expected.


15.How did the man feel when he received the letter?

A.A little disappointed.            B.Very angry.               C.A little surprised.

16.Where is the man’s friend from?

A.Germany.                                   B.Australia.                  C.America.

17.How long will the man’s friend stay with him?

A.One or two years.                 B.Several months.         C.A few days.


18.How did Peter feel when he woke up?

A.Angry.                                B.Surprised.                 C.Afraid.

19.What can we know about Peter’s hometown?

A.It is a flat city far from mountains.

B.It is a mountain village.

C.It is a mountain city.

20.What happened in Peter’s hometown?

A.A flood.                B.An earthquake.                 C.A traffic accident.





21.It’s really a(n) ________ that Tony, a child of only two, can play the piano so well.

A. phenomenon         B. dream               C. preference                D. intention

22.You should learn to be _________ , Mary. No other girls talk to people so roughly as you do.

A. kind                            B. gentle               C. patient                  D. intelligent

23.It took a few seconds for her eyes to ________ to the darkness.

A. admire                        B. adjust                C. adopt                            D. admit

24.The technique is being described as a _________ in the field of tele-medicine.

A. principle               B. conclusion         C. breakthrough            D. introduction

25.They _________ with the aim of becoming the number one team in the league.

A. set aside               B. set up                C. set down                  D. set out

26.――It appears that your relationship with Mike is not normal ,  doesn’t it?

――I thought of him as my true friend ______,  to my surprise, he gave me away to the boss.

A. unless                          B. since                 C. for                           D. until

27.As is known to us , theory is ______ practice and in turn serves practice.

A. relied on               B. depended on      C. impressed on            D. based on

28.He is _________  to have gone abroad .I haven’t seen him these days.

A. likely                          B. possible             C. probably                  D. perhaps

29.Throughout her career she remained very ______ to criticism.

A. sensitive               B. sensible             C. sensational         D. sentimental

30.Why do I have to _______  this suggestion? I don’t think it will ever _______  us a little bit.

A. put forward; please                            B. agree to ;benefit

C. reply on; encourage                    D. think over; cheer



31.I __________________(本打算) attend your party , but I was busy then.(intend)

33.He ________________(提醒我) what I would otherwise have forgotten.(remind)

33.I regret not ______________________(提出) a better idea about the project at the meeting yesterday.(put)

34.Neither you nor I , nor anyone else ________________(敬佩) such a person.(look)

35.They marched on and on, _____________________(企圖到達那座小城)before dark.(aim)

36.I’m not clear .Can you ______________________(簡述清楚)the problem?(light)

37.____________________________(就是在十一月的一天晚上) I looked at the result of my work.(night)

38.The factory produces half a million pairs of shoes every year, ____________________(其中的百分之八十售往) abroad.(sell)

39.__________________________(穿上最漂亮的裙子),the girl tried to make herself noticed at the party.(dress)

40.He ______________________________(做出了巨大的貢獻)our education.(contribution)



With excitement we started our small business. No longer were we  41  to have a weekly paycheck.  We now were on our own to  42  an income to provide us with the money to live. I was a little  43  about our ability to do this. But Byron, my wife, believed in our products and believed in our ability to  44 .

We invested (投資) heavily in producing a number of products, 45  none of them were popular with customers.  The market gave us so heavy a  46  that we hardly made enough money to pay our expenses.

We now had our money  47  in the booth  (貨攤) that we had rented for the summer and fall months.  We had a lot of money  48  up in materials.  So we did not have enough money to  49  our monthly bills.  We were discouraged,  and the thoughts of failure ran through our heads.

As we discussed our  50 ,  I happened to read the words: “If you have made mistakes ... there is always  another chance for you ...  you may have a 51 start any moment you choose, for this thing we call ‘Failure’is not falling down, but  52  down.”

The words reinforced  (增強)  my determination and  Byron’s 53  that we could succeed.  We did fall down, but we were  54  hot to stay down!  So,  we stepped  back and refocused. We came up with new products using remaining  55 . We redesigned our booth. We reconsidered our pricing system. And, we started making enough money to pay our  56 .

If we had done nothing,  if we had allowed ourselves  to “stay down”, then we would have  57 . But we made the choice to learn from our  58 , and we moved forward  with more determination.  Those words  59 a much better idea on failure -- a chance for a fresh start!  The most important point here is “choice” because you decide how you  60 _ your failure, you decide if you stay down.

41. A. happy                 B. dangerous                 C. ready                D. safe

42. A. produce                     B. receive                         C. reduce               D. afford

43. A. excited               B. worried                    C. confused           D. confident

44. A. manage                     B. survive                         C. succeed             D. compete

45. A. unless                 B. so                                C. but                   D. though

46. A. blow                  B. drop                        C. push                 D. surprise

47. A. cost                    B. spent                        C. wasted                     D. paid

48. A. put                            B. used                         C. taken                D. tied

49. A. cover                 B. support                    C. discard                  D. consider

50. A. plans                  B. dreams                     C. expectations       D. choices

51. A. good                  B. fresh                        C. natural                     D. sudden

52. A. staying               B. coming                        C. keeping            D. going

53. A. belief                 B. imagination                     C. suggestion         D. requirement

54. A. able                   B. supposed                  C. prepared            D. determined

55. A. tools                  B. machines                  C. materials           D. goods

56. A. debts                  B. bills                         C. expenses            D. products

57. A. ended                 B. missed                            C. fell                   D. failed

58. A. performances      B. experiences               C. mistakes            D. promises

59. A. explain               B. create                       C. offer                 D. prove

60. A. view                  B. fear                         C. seize                 D. discover




The lights dimmed,the musical hall grew quiet and out walked the conductor (指揮)shiny, white and 4 feet, 3 inches tall.

ASIMO, a robot designed by Honda Motor Co., met its latest challenge Tuesday evening: Conducting the Detroit Symphony(底特律交響樂團) ,in a performance of “The Impossible  Dream” from “Man of La Mancha.”

“Hello,Everyone ,” ASIMO said to the audience in a childlike voice, then waved to the orchestra. As it conducted, it perfectly mimicked (模仿) the actions of a conductor,   nodding its head at various sections and gesturing (做手勢) with one or both hands. ASIMO took a final bow to excited shouts from the audience. Later, cellist Yo-Yo Ma joined ASIMO onstage to receive an award for his efforts in music education .

Honda spokeswoman Alicia Jones says it is the first time ASIMO has conducted an orchestra , and it may be the first time any robot has conducted a live performance. But  ASIMO  has  its  limits .ASIMO’s  engineers programmed the robot to mimic Charles Burke, the Detroit Symphony’s education director, as he conducted the piece in front of a pianist about six months ago.  But it can’t respond to the musicians.

“It’s not a communicative device.   It simply is programmed to do a set of gestures,”said Leonard Slatkin ,the orchestra's musical director.“If the orchestra decides to go faster,  there’s nothing the robot can do about it. Hopefully, I keep that under control.”

But several musicians also said ASIMO was more realistic than they expected. “The movements are still a little stiff ( 僵硬的), but very humanlike, much better than I thought,”Hutchinson said.

61.What’s the audience’s response to ASIMO ’s performance?

A. Disappointed.        B. Moved.                C. Excited.            D. Astonished.

62. Whose conducting was A.SIMO made to copy?

A. Yo-Yo Ma’s.                           B. Charles Burke’s.

C. Leonard Slatkin’s.              D. Alicia Jones' s.

63. We can learn from the passage that ASIMO _______.

A. was designed and trained by Yo-Yo Ma

B. can communicate with the audience freely

C. only performs according to the designed programs

D. can change its conducting style freely

64. What would he the best title for this passage?

A. Detroit Symphony gives a good performance

B. Honda robot conducts Detroit Symphony

C. “The Impossible Dream” from Detroit Symphony

D. Cooperation between Honda and Detroit Symphony


Do you find your fingers put into your mouth when you’ re nervous, anxious (焦慮的) or, just bored? Nail biting is more than a bad habit. Doctors say it is one of the most common symptoms  (癥狀)  of anxiety,  especially for teenagers or younger children,  and can lead to serious infection (感染).

According to Van Abbe, a former health expert from Dutch,  there are 600 million nail biters or more in the world. He has opened a business and is devoted to a cure. “In four weeks, nail biting can be over -- and over forever,”he says.

Studies show around 45% of adolescents  (青少年) bite their nails. That drops to about 20% as young adults learn to deal with their anxiety.

In public, nail biters typically keep their hands out of sight as much as they can, buried in their pockets or behind their backs. They often feel depressed and ashamed, and don't like social contacts.  Van Abbe says his clients(顧客) suffer so much from it that none would volunteer to be interviewed or photographed.

His treatment relies on a tooth guard made to fit either the upper or lower teeth. The  “preventer”,  which can’t be seen,  makes it impossible to bite,  but can be removed for eating.

Nail biting is one of a type of compulsive  (強迫的) disorders known as Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors that is gaining more scientific attention. Others include hair pulling, skin picking or biting the inside of the cheek.

But there is also a chicken-and-egg situation because .the bad result increases one’s anxiety. “If you cure the symptom,  you reduce the stress,  and the person is a happier person,” he said in a telephone interview.

65. According to Van Abbe , ________.

  A. hair pulling can also be cured in his clinic

B. half of adolescents suffer from nail biting

C. he can cure nail biters in a short time

D. he doesn't want the media to interview his clients

66. Less young adults suffer from nail biting because _______.

A. some doctors offer the free cure to them

B. they care more about their own health

C. more social activities attract their attention

D. they get to know how to control their emotions

67. We can infer from the passage that ________.

A. nail biting will make the biters more anxious

B. nail biting will result in hair pulling or skin picking

C. Van Abbe uses persuasion as the main cure

D. Van Abbe offers more social contacts to his clients

68. The underlined part in the last paragraph probably refers to the situation in which it is difficult to tell ___________.

A. how chickens produce eggs          B. why chickens produce eggs

C. which one of two things is the cause of the other

D. which one of two things is more important than the other


Children are getting so fat that they may be the first generation to die before their parents, an expert says.

Today’s young people will be affected by potential (潛在的) killers such as heart disease because of their weight.  Fatty fast-food diets combined with the lifestyles with televisions and computers could mean kids will die young, says Professor Andrew Prentice, from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.  At the same time, the shape of the human body is going through a great change because adults are getting so fat.

Here in Britain, the latest research shows that the average (一般的) waist (腰) size for a man is 36-38 inches and may be 42--44 inches by 2032.  This compares with only 32.6 inches in 1972.  Women's waists have grown from an average of 22 inches in the 1920s to 24 inches in the 1950s and 30 inches now.  One of the major reasons why children now are at greater risk is that we are getting fatter younger.  In the UK alone,  more than one million under 16 years old are thought to be overweight or obese (肥胖的)― double the number in the 1980s. One in ten of four-year-olds are also medically said to be obese.

The obesity which started in the US,  has now spread to Europe, Australia, Central America and the Middle East .Many nations now record more than 20 percent of their population as obese and well over half the population as overweight.

Professor Prentice says the change in our shape has been caused by high-energy foods combined with a dramatic (急劇地) drop in the energy we use as a result of technology developments.

He is not alone in his concern .Only last week one medical magazine revealed how obesity was fuelling a rise in cancer cases.  Obesity also increases the risk factor for heart disease and so on. An averagely obese person's lifespan (壽命) is shortened by around nine years while a seriously obese person by many more.

Professor Prentice says, “So will_parents live longer than their children, as an American obesity expert said recently?

“The answer is yes――and no.” Yes, when most children become obese. No, because this is now becoming an alarmingly serious problem in the US. “Such children will have a greatly reduced quality of life on both body and mind.”

 So say “No” to sandwiches and hamburgers.

69. From the second paragraph,we know that ____________.

A. heart disease is caused by people's weight

B. bad living habits make children die young

C. increasing weight could kill young people

D. adults know how to change their shape of body

70. According to Professor Prentice, people become fatter because _________.

A. the energy people take in is more than they need

B. high technology makes people use less energy

C. food contains too much energy

D. people like to eat fast food

71. For the underlined question, the answer “no” suggests __________.

A. children should refuse fast-food diets

B. children’s obesity is becoming more and more serious

C. Americans have realized the bad consequence of the obesity

D. the government should call on fat people to lose weight as soon as possible

72. Which would be the best title for the passage?

A. Obesity problem                         B. Spotlight on kids’ obesity

C. To get away from obesity               D. Will children die before their parents?


Steve and Yaser first met in their chemistry class at an American university. Yaser was an international student from Jordan.  He was excited to get to know an American.  He wanted to learn more about American culture.  Yaser hoped that he and Steve would become good friends.

At first, Steve seemed very friendly. He always greeted Yaser warmly before class.  Sometimes he offered to study with Yaser.  He even invited Yaser to eat lunch with him. But after the term was over, Steve seemed more distant (遙遠的). The two former classmates didn’t see each other very much at school. One day Yaser decided to call Steve. Steve didn’t seem very interested in talking to him. Yaser was hurt by Steve’s change of attitude. “Steve said we were friends,”Yaser complained. “And I thought friends were friends forever.”

Yaser is a little confused.  He is an outsider to American culture. He doesn't understand the way Americans view friendship.  Americans use the word friend in a very general way. They may call both casual acquaintances(認識的人) and close companions  “friends.”Americans have school friends, work friends,   sports friends and neighborhood friends.  These friendships are based on common interests. When the shared activity ends, the friendship may fade (消失).  Now Steve and Yaser are no longer classmates.  Their friendship has changed.

In some cultures friendship means ’a strong life-long bond (紐帶) between two people. In these cultures friendships develop slowly, since they are built to last. American society is one of rapid change. Studies show that one out of five American families moves every year.  American friendships develop quickly, and they may change just as quickly.

People from the United States may at first seem friendly.  Americans often chat easily with strangers.  They exchange information about their families, hobbies and work. They may smile warmly and say, “Have a nice day”or“See you later.” Schoolmates may say, “Let’s get together sometime.”  But American friendliness is not always an offer of true friendship.

After an experience like Yaser’s,  outsiders may consider Americans to be fickle. Learning how Americans view friendship can help non-Americans avoid misunderstandings. It can also help them make friends the American way.

73. Finally, Steve didn’t seem very interested in talking toYaser because _______.

A. Yaser had done something wrong

B. Yaser came from another country

C. he never treated Yaser as his friend

D. he made friends in the American way

74. The example of Steve and Yaser shows us that ________.

A. Americans are proud of their great nation

B. the American way to make friends won't be accepted

C. foreign people are not suitable for the life in America

D. different cultures have different opinions on friendship

75.The underlined word in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to “________”.

  A. changeable            B. unusual             C. independent              D. confident

76.In the author’s opinion , foreign people in America should __________.

  A. give up making friends with American people

B. help Americans change their views on friendship

C. learn to make as many American friends as possible

D. try to adapt to the American way of making friends



Would you like to be a king or queen? To have people waiting on you hand and foot? Many Americans experience this royal (王室的) treatment every day. How? By being   customers (顧客). The American idea of customer service is to make each customer the center of attention.  Need proof ? Just listen to the advertisements:  Most of them sound like the McDonald’s said: “We do it all for you.”Actually, not all stores in America roll out the red carpet (地毯) for their customers.  But wherever you go, good customer service means making customers feel special.

People going shopping in America can expect to be treated with respect from the very beginning.  Most places don’t have a “furniture street” or a “computer road” which allow you to compare prices easily. Instead, people often use the telephone and “l(fā)et their fingers do the walking” through the Yellow Pages. From the first "hello," customers receive a courteous response to their questions.  The contact for the first time can help them decide where to shop.

When customers get to the store, they are treated as honored guests.  Customers don't usually find store clerks sitting around watching TV or playing cards. Instead, the clerks greet them warmly and offer to help them find what they want. In most stores, the signs that label each department make shopping very easy.  Customers usually don’t have to ask how much items cost,  since prices are clearly marked. And unless they’re at a flea market (跳蚤市場) or a yard sale, they don’t bother trying to bargain (討價還價).

When customers are ready to check out,  they find the  nearest and shortest checkout way.  Good stores open new checkout ways when the ways get too long. Some even offer  express ways for customers with 10 items or less. After they pay for their purchases,  customers receive a smile and a warm “thank you” from the clerk. Many stores even allow customers to take their shopping bags out to the parking place. That way, they don’t have to carry heavy bags out to the car.

77. We can learn from the first paragraph that customers in America _____.

   A. are kings or queens from different countries

B. are the God in the customer service

C. are served with red carpet everywhere

D. are treated in different ways

78. The underlined word in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ________.

A. various           B. loyal       C. special           D. polite

79.The last paragraph mainly tells us _________.

A. customers can receive more service in stores

B. customers enjoy great convenience in checkout

C. stores offer many more checkout ways to customers

D. stores try to give much respect to their customers

80. Which would be the best title for the passage?

A. Wonderful customer service

B. Customer service in America

C. An experience of royal service

D. Customers -- the centre of service





























1  2  3  4  5    6  7  8  9  10   11 12 13 14 15   16 17 18 19 20

[A][A][A][A][A]  [A][A][A][A][A]  [A][A][A][A][A]  [A][A][A][A][A]

[B][B][B][B][B]  [B][B][B][B][B]  [B][B][B][B][B]  [B][B][B][B][B]

[C][C][C][C][C]  [C][C][C][C][C]  [C][C][C][C][C]  [C][C][C][C][C]

21 22 23 24 25   26 27 28 29 30

[A][A][A][A][A]  [A][A][A][A][A]

[B][B][B][B][B]  [B][B][B][B][B]

[C][C][C][C][C]  [C][C][C][C][C]

[D][D][D][D][D]  [D][D][D][D][D]

41 42 43 44 45   46 47 48 49 50   51 52 53 54 55   56 57 58 59 60

[A][A][A][A][A]  [A][A][A][A][A]  [A][A][A][A][A]  [A][A][A][A][A]

[B][B][B][B][B]  [B][B][B][B][B]  [B][B][B][B][B]  [B][B][B][B][B]

[C][C][C][C][C]  [C][C][C][C][C]  [C][C][C][C][C]  [C][C][C][C][C]

[D][D][D][D][D]  [D][D][D][D][D]  [D][D][D][D][D]  [D][D][D][D][D]

61 62 63 64 65   66 67 68 69 70   71 72 73 74 75   76 77 78 79 80

[A][A][A][A][A]  [A][A][A][A][A]  [A][A][A][A][A]  [A][A][A][A][A]

[B][B][B][B][B]  [B][B][B][B][B]  [B][B][B][B][B]  [B][B][B][B][B]

[C][C][C][C][C]  [C][C][C][C][C]  [C][C][C][C][C]  [C][C][C][C][C]

[D][D][D][D][D]  [D][D][D][D][D]  [D][D][D][D][D]  [D][D][D][D][D]


31.                                           32.                                   

33.                                           34.                                   

35.                                           36.                                   

37.                                           38.                                   

39.                                           40.                                   





1.       詞數(shù)100左右。

2.       參考詞匯:卡拉OK廳 karaoke hall 停車場  parking lot 居民區(qū) residential area

                                                                                                  Room 306, Building 3

       `                                                                                   Xiangyang Residential Area

                                                                                                   118 Xiangyang Street

                                                                                                                May 10,2009

Dear Sir/Madam,













                                                                                                                Yours truly,

                                                                                                                       Li Hua




(Text I)

W: That is a nice MP3. Is it new?

M: No. 1 bought it last year, but it's still in good condition.

(Texy 2)

W: I'll go to New York to visit my grandfather during the summer vacation. What about you?

M: I'll spend some time at home watching TV and reading some novels.

(Text 3)

W: I want to ask our English teacher to come to the party. Do you know her address?

M: No, but I'd like her to come, too. I think her friend Mary can give you her address.

(Text 4)

W: Hello!  I'd like three seats for tonight's movie.

M: Sorry, the tickets are already sold out. Would you be interested in something later this week?

(Text 5)

M: Would you like to go to the concert with Mary and me on Saturday?

W: I wish I could, but I'm having dinner at my uncle’s.

(Text 6)

M: CFC Taxis.

W: Hello!  I’d like to book a taxi, please.

M: Certainly. For what time?

W: Five o'clock tomorrow morning.

M: Where from, madam?

W:" From Hilton Hotel.

M: Oh, I see. Where do you Want to go?

W: To the railway station. How much will it cost?

M: About 20 dollars.

W: How long will it take to get there?

M: If the traffic is not too busy, it will take about 15 minutes.

(Text 7)

M: Someone has stolen my car!  I want to report it. My name is Walton -- Harry Walton.

W: Where did you leave your car, Mr. Walton?

M: In Ludlow Street, near the traffic fights.

W: Did you leave your car unlocked?

M: Of course not.

W: And what time was that?

M: This morning. I parked it there before I went to work.

W: When do you start work?

M: At nine thirty. But I got in early today. I started at seven.

W: That explains it.

M: What do you memo?

W: We have taken away your car. You can’t park your car in Ludlow Street before 10 on Friday.

(Text 8)

M: Good morning, I am Peter Smith from Greece.

W: Yes, sir. Your room number is 909. that’s on the ninth floor. Are you in Hong Kong on holiday?

M: No, I’m here for the computer exhibition. Where is it, please?

W: It's in the Exhibition Center, on the third floor.

M: Thank you very much.

(After a few minutes)

M: Excuse me, madam. What I want is a single room. I don't like sharing a room with someone else.  What's more, my room is rather small and dark.  Could you possibly find me a larger and brighter single room?

W: I’m sorry, sir, but this is the high season. We don't have any spare rooms at the moment.

M: But the company booked a room for me ages ago!

W: I ’m terribly sorry, sir.

(Text 9)                   

M: I got a letter from a German friend of mine yesterday.

W: Oh, did you? When did you meet him?

M: Hm!  He's an old friend of mine. I met him when I studied in Germany years ago.

W: Oh. So you speak German.

M: I used to. I've been out of Germany for quite a long time, and haven't seen him for ages, either.

W: But you kept in touch with him.

M: For a while, yes. But we haven’t written for the past few years.

W: Did the letter surprise you?

M: Yes, a little.

W: What did he say in his letter?

M: He said he’d be coming over to Australia next month and asked if he could stay with me for a few days.

(Text 10)

      On June 12th,2008, Peter was surprised when he woke up in the morning.  He found that the floor of his room was flooded. When he looked out of the window, he saw many cars upside down in the street.

      It was a sad day in Peter's hometown, which is a mountain city.  In twenty-four hours up to noon,  nearly 17 inches fell.  Usually there was about 16 inches of rainfall in the whole month of June.

      Roads were washed away in the peak areas.  Tons of mud and rocks crashed down on the houses below.  Sixty four people died in the flood and more than 2,500 lost their homes.  For some time after the flood, helicopters flew to help the people there.  Tractors and trucks worked hard to clear away the big rocks and earth. Many people sent money and necessities of life to the people attacked by the flood and helped them rebuild their hometown.




命題人:紅安一中  鐘先朝



