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第Ⅰ卷(選擇題 共60分)









第Ⅰ卷 (選擇題,共60分)




物 理 試 題



高中英語選修8 Unit3 The world of colours and light--Reading教案(譯林牛津版)

 Teaching Aims:

1.       To let the students understand the text.

2.       To let the students know something about the great artists.


 Step 1: Lead-in

1.       Can you name these artists?

2.       Can you name these pictures?

3.       Do you know something about Louvre Museum? (6 pictures)

 Step 2: Listening and Fast reading

Reading after the tape and answer questions on part A

1.Which countries has Li Ming visited on his trip?    

Spain, France, Netherlands.

2. How many days did they spend in Paris?

4 days

3.Where are they going next?

They are going to anther museum in Amsterdam


Step 3: Reading strategy: Reading a life story

Read this passage carefully, and answer the two questions

1.       How is the text go?

2.       How is a life story organized?

 The date and place of their birth; childhood; education; early influences

 Most famous works; the style; what made them special; comparison

The date of their death; comments


 Step 4: Carefully reading

1.       Answer the 8 questions from part C1.


1). He thinks Malaga is a lovely city and that the architecture there is beautiful

2). Cubism is a type of art developed by Pablo Picasso that represents things as geometric shapes.

3). He went to the Louvre Museum and the Musee d’Orsay.

4). Mona Lisa.

5). He was also a sculptor, an architect, an engineer and a scientist

6). Musee d’Orsay.

7). It is in Amsterdam.

8). In Amsterdam.

2.       Complete the table.

3.       Some True or False questions.

1)      Pablo Picasso was born in England.

2)      Picasso wasn’t just a painter.

3)      The painting of Mona Lisa is in the Louvre Museum.

4). Leonardo da Vinci is an Italian

5). Monet was an American painter.

6). Van Gogh’s early paintings were abstract.

7). Rembrandt lived from 1606 to 1669.

4.       Choose the best answers.

1).Leonardo da vinci was all of the following except_______

A. an architect    B. a photographer    C. a sculptor        D. a scientist

   2).According to the text, which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. It was in Amsterdam that Li Ming sent the e-mail to Yang Yan.

B. Li Ming’s aunt likes cubist paintings and thinks Picasso is the greatest artist ever.

C. Li Ming was very excited during his trip to Amsterdam even though there was a thunderstorm.

D. When Vincent Van Gogh died in 1890 only one of his paintings had been sold.

  3).If you want to enjoy the works of Claude Monet, you’d better go to

A  the Louvre Museum          B.  the Van Gogh Museum

C. the British Museum           D.  the Musee d’Orsay

  4). Li Ming’s purpose in sending the e-mail to Yang Yan is _____

A. to introduce some famous masters

B. to introduce some art museums

C. to invite Yang Yan to Amsterdam

 D. to tell him about his experience on  this trip


 Step 5: Consolidation

   Please finish part E on page 37.

 Step 6: Story making

   Please introduce the life story of the artists discussed in the text, using the phrases on the screen.

 Step 7: Homework

  Review the text


高中英語選修8 Unit4 Films and film events--Grammar and usage教案(譯林牛津版)

Teaching aims:

(1) Master the usage of Emphasis.

(2) Practice Emphasis.


Important points & difficult points:

Master and learn to use the pattern “ It is/was…that…”



Step 1 Lead-in

Read the following two groups of sentences and find the differences between them.

1.      It is an interesting film. I want to see it again. I am glad to have got a ticket for it.

2.      It is such an interesting film. I really want to see it again. I am so glad to have got a ticket for it.


Step 2: Introduction

¡        強調句是一種修辭,是人們?yōu)榱吮磉_自己的意愿或情感而使用的一種形式

1. 用助動詞“do(does/did)+動詞原形”來表示強調:

We do want you to come to my son’s birthday party.


He did come to the party last night.


 2. 用形容詞very,only,single,such, so等修飾名詞或形容詞來加強語氣:

 That is the very textbook we used last term.這正是我們上學期用過的教材。

 You are the only person here who can speak Chinese.


 Not a single person has been in the shop this morning.


 How dare you buy such expensive jewels?你怎么敢買這么貴的寶石呢?

 3. 用ever,never,very,just等副詞進行強調:

  Why ever did you do so? 你究竟為什么要 這么做?

He never said a word the whole day.一整天,他一句話也沒說。

You’ve got to be very,very careful.你一定得非常、非常小心。

This is just what I wanted.這正是我所要的。  

 4. 用倒裝句(即將要強調的句子或被強調的部分置于句首)來加強語氣:

On the table were some flowers.桌上擺著一些花。(強調地點)

Many a time have I climbed that hill.我多次翻過那座山。

Only in this way,can we solve this problem.只有這樣我們才能解決這個問題。

5. It is / was …that /who…用來強調一個句子中除謂語以外的任何句子成分。

I bought this car in that shop last month. (原始句)
It was I who/that bought this car in that  shop last month. (強調主語)

It was this car that I bought in that shop last month. (強調賓語)

It was in that shop that I bought this car last month. (強調地點狀語)
It was last month that I bought this car in that shop. (強調時間狀語)



(1) 強調句型的時態(tài)要以原句的時態(tài)為依據。原句用現在時,強調句用is;若原句為過去時,強調句中則要用was。


(3) 強調時間、地點狀語時不得用when和there取代that,也應避免使用which。

(4) 被強調的是疑問句,改為強調句后仍用疑問句結構。

(5) 被強調的如果是not …until; because;only after等狀語從句時,習慣上用 “It is/was not until… that…”; “It is (was) because …that…”, “It was only after …that …”結構。


Step 3: Practice

I met Tom in the street yesterday.

My father did not come back until 8p.m.

I didn’t know what to do until you told me.


Step 4: multiple choices


Step 5: Further practice

 Translate some sentences into English, using the pattern.


Step 6: Language points


Step 7: Homework

1. Finish the exercises of Parts C1 and C2 on page 126 of the Workbook.

2. Prepare for the Task Part.



物 理 試 題




1. if如果 

You should call 119 if there's a fire.

If you think that treating a woman well means always getting her permission for things, think again. (06湖南)  

2. unless如果不,除非(多數情況下與if...not用法相同,兩者都引導條件狀語從句,但unless比if ... not的語氣要強。


You will be late ,      you leave immediately.

A. unless   B. until   C. if      D. or

答案A。句意: 除非你立即走,否則你會遲到的。該句可轉化為If you don’t leave immediately, you will be late. B、D項填入后句意不對,or表轉折,若用or則句子應為: Leave immediately or you will be late. 再如: 

He is sure to come unless he has some urgent business. = He is sure to come if he hasn’t any urgent business.

注意: 當unless引導的從句的主語與主句的主語相同時,unless后面的主語和動詞有時可省略。

Unless (he is) in uniform, he doesn’t look like a policeman.除非他穿著制服,否則他看起來不像警察。

He will not come unless (he is) invited.除非被邀請,否則他是不會來的。


1) 當從句是虛擬形式時,只用if ... not,不用unless引導。例如:

The flowers would have died if you had not watered diligently.

2) 當主句為疑問句時,不用unless,而用if ... not。例如:

What shall we do if he doesn’t reply to our letter?

3) 當unless引導的從句帶有否定詞時,不能用if ... not代替。例如:

I’ll go unless no one else goes.

3. as long as只要 

As long as there is life there is hope. 有生命就有希望。(留得青山在,不怕沒柴燒。)

I’ll accept any job as / so long as I don’t have to get up early.只要不必早起,任何工作我都可以接受。 

4. once作連詞表示“一旦,只要”,引導條件狀語從句。

Once you understand the rules of the game, you will enjoy it.一旦你了解了游戲的規(guī)則,你就會喜歡它。

Once he is free, he will play computer games. 只要他有空,他就玩電腦游戲。

例如:_______environmental damage is done, it takes many years for the ecosystem(生態(tài)系統(tǒng)) to recover.

A. Even if                B. If only

C. While                  D. Once

解析: 答案為D。even if“即使”,if only “要是……就好了”,while“雖然”, once“一旦”。句意為“一旦環(huán)境遭到破壞,就要花很多年才能恢復生態(tài)系統(tǒng)”,故D正確。once作連詞表示“一旦,只要”,引導條件狀語從句。再如: 

5. 祈使句或名詞短語 + 含有一般將來時或情態(tài)動詞的陳述句

例如:Dress warmly,     you’ll catch cold.

[A] on the contrary [B] or rather            [C] or else              [D] in no way

[分析] 本題考查固定句型:“祈使句+or (else) /and you will...”。其中,祈使句相當于if或unless引導的條件狀語從句,并列連詞后面的句子多用將來時表示結果。連詞or (else)(也可以用otherwise)意為“否則”,后面的句子是轉折的結果;連詞and意為“那么,如此一來”,后面的句子是順承的結果。如:Wait a minute and I’ll tell you all about it.(再等一會兒我就會告訴你事情的全部。)Come on, or you will miss the chance.(加油,否則你將失去這個機會。)本題中前后分句是轉折關系,應選[C]or else。 

其他選項都是固定短語,但是表示的邏輯關系均不符合句意。on the contrary意為“(與此)相反”,如:I thought the movie would have been terrible; on the contrary it is very interesting.(我原以為這部電影會很糟糕,結果相反,它很有意思。)or rather意為“更確切地說”,如:I am 1 year older than you, or rather 1 year and 2 months.(我比你大一歲,更確切地說大一歲零兩個月。)in no way意為“決不”,放在句首時,引起句子倒裝,如:In no way can we allow this to continue.(我們決不允許它再繼續(xù)下去。)

[句意] 穿暖和一些,不然你會感冒的。 

6. provided意為“如果,倘若,只要”,引導條件狀語從句 

You can arrive in Beijing earlier for the meeting     you don’t mind taking the night train.

[A] provided           [B] unless        [C] though              [D] until

[分析] provided意為“如果,倘若,只要”,引導條件狀語從句,相當于if,如:The boss will pay the bonus provided(that)the job is completed on time.(如果工作按時完成的話老板將發(fā)獎金。)unless相當于if …not,引導條件狀語從句,意為“如果……不……,非…… 不可,除非”,由于它是具有否定意義的連接詞,因此所引導的從句謂語一般是肯定形式,如:Unless the rain stops,I shall not go out for a walk.(倘若雨不停,我就不出去散步了。)though意為“雖然,盡管;可是,然而”,引導讓步或轉折從句,如:Though she gave no sign, I was sure she had seen me.(盡管她沒有示意,我還是確信她看見了我。)Your suggestion is feasible, though it may be rather costly.(你的建議是可行的,但也許要付出不少代價。)until常和not搭配,引導時間狀語從句,意為“直到……才”,如:He did not leave the house until his father returned.(他直到父親回來才離開房子。)根據句意,應選[A]provided。

[句意] 假如你不介意乘夜班車的話,你就可以早點兒到達北京開會






(2)會利用絕對值的幾何意義求解以下類型的不等式. |ax+b|≤c  |ax+b|≥c 










⑴ a通常在重讀開音節(jié)中讀[e],在重讀閉音節(jié)中讀[æ],在w后通常讀[],在s,ss,st,sk,ch,th,n,f前讀[:],在非重讀音節(jié)中讀[][].

特殊:①[:] water





A. separate        B. marry            C. machine      D. many   


A.ache[:]          B.anything          C.advance        D.anxious  


A. baggage       B. attract       C. Canadian     D. magazine

⑵ e 通常在重讀開音節(jié)中讀[:],在重讀閉音節(jié)中讀[e].

特殊:①[]actress, careless, develop, entire, perfect, reduce, secret, carpet, celebrate, desert

 ②[]children, open, problem, silence, satellite, September

③不發(fā)音:frighten, listen, often, garden, citizen


A. except          B. record           C. increase   

⑶ i通常在開音節(jié)中讀[ai],在閉音節(jié)中讀[i].

特殊:① [] impossible,possible,terrible,holiday,horrible

  ②[:] police,Pisa,machine,magazine,technique

③ []live, give, notice, native, office, promise, imagine, opposite

④不發(fā)音:basin, civil, pencil, pupil, cousin,


⑷ o通常在重讀開音節(jié)中讀[],

但在do, to, who, move, prove, lose, whose等讀[u:];


但在most, post, cold, both, roll, hold, scold, host等st, ld, th前常讀[]


  ②[]collection, complete, compare, composition, custom, develop, iron police, polite, observe, official, Europe


④[] (多在m, n, th, v等前時,如comfort,


  ⑤[:] story

  ⑥[] comb,Negro,piano,radio,tomato

  ⑦[] gone,common,concert



A.lose                  B.woman       C.shock             D.rose     


A.company              B.continue     C.common        D.concert  

⑸ u通常在重讀開音節(jié)中讀[:]或[:],在重讀閉音節(jié)中讀[]或[].

特殊:①[]autumn, August, industry, succeed, success, suppose, until, unless, supply, difficult





A. pollution       B. struggle        C. useful         D. bury     


⑴ c通常發(fā)[k],(在元音a,o,u前和輔音前,以及在詞尾時)

特殊:① [ʃ] delicious,musician,special,social,


② [s]ceiling,century,celebrate,cinema,city,



A.ocean                    B.decide                C.cause             D.socialist  


A.official             B.excuse       C.correct                 D.exciting  

⑵ w通常發(fā)[w]


⑶ n通常發(fā)[n]


⑷ s通常發(fā)[s],[z]   

特殊:① [ʃ]sugar,sure

② []measure,pleasure,treasure,usual, conclusion


A. purse                    B. else            C. praise              D. mouse


特殊:① []age,apologize,apology,page等(e,i(y)前)



A. sugar            B. organize       C. strange        D. together  



特殊:①[e] dead,pleasure,peasant,head,already,

health,thread heaven,sweater,bread,breakfirst,health,

pleasure,deaf, thread等

      ②[e] great,break

      ③[] real,idea,theatre,realize, area



      A. theatre       B. breathe        C. break        D. heaven   


特殊:①[:] earth,year,early,earn,learn,heard,search,


      ②[] bear,pear,tear(v.),wear

      ③[:] heart

⑶ai & ay在重讀音節(jié)如train ,against, contain, raise, remain及always,birthday,everyday,railway等中通常發(fā)[ei].

特殊:①[] captain,mountain,yesterday,Friday, Sunday,bargain等

      ②[e] said,says


      ④不發(fā)音Britain, certain


A. certain        B. train         C. against        D. contain  


A.remain            B.certain       C.mountain        D.bargain   


特殊:①[:l] also,always,almost,salt,although,altogether,false



      ③[:] half,calm等(在f,m前)

⑸oo通常發(fā)① [u]在k前或took, shook, cook, cookie, book, look, hook, classroom, bedroom, understood等非重讀時,以及good,good,stood,wood,

wooden,football,foot 等重讀時 ;

② [:]在food, soon, cool, zoo, tool, bamboo, loose, school, wool, pool, fool,room,noon,cocoon,





特殊:①[:] group,wound,you,youth

      ②[] anxious, dangerous,curious, famous, moustache, nervous, obvious, serious,mysterious



④ [:]cough


A.house                     B.country                 C.group                     D.cough     

⑺our通常① 在重讀音節(jié)中發(fā)[au]; ②在非重讀音節(jié)中發(fā)[]

特殊:① [:]course,court,four,fourth,mourn,pour,


② [u] tour


A. journey        B. four             C. labour       D. hour      

⑻er通常① 在重讀音節(jié)中發(fā)[:]; ②在非重讀音節(jié)中發(fā)[]


⑼or通常① 在重讀音節(jié)中發(fā)[:]; ②在非重讀音節(jié)中發(fā)[]

特殊:①[:] word,work,world,worm,worse,worship,worst,worth等(在w后)


⑽ure通常① 在重讀時發(fā)[j]cure,pure;

②在非重讀時發(fā)[]injure, figure,


⑾ch & tch通常讀[]

特殊:[k]headache,Christmas,chemical,school, stomach, chemistry,architecture

      [ʃ] machine


A. stomach     B. achieve      C. check       D. machine  

⑿th通常① 在介詞,冠詞,代詞,連詞中,以及e,er前讀 [];②在詞首和詞尾多讀[]但there,their,this,



②smooth,worthy,clothing, bathe讀[];



(2008全國II)bathe []

A. faith                     B. cloth               C. maths              D. smooth  


A. thick               B.southern          C.mathematics         D.method   


A.thread                    B.smooth        C.thirsty                D.health    

⒀ gh通常在igh,ough中不發(fā)音


⒁ex在本身是重讀或次重讀時讀[eks]expert, extra, exercise, excellent, exhibition, explanation


②為非重讀音節(jié),后面是輔音字母讀[iks]excite,expect,extend,extraordinary, except,


⒂ ed在清輔音后讀[t],濁輔音后讀[d],元音后也讀[d],t,d之后讀[id]。

⒃s/es的發(fā)音規(guī)則在清輔音后讀[],濁輔音后讀[],元音后也讀[],t,d之后讀[ts] [dz]。


③ei讀[i],特殊:either, neither[ai]; foreign[i];

④eigh讀[ei], 特殊:height [ai]; ⑤eer讀[];

⑥ere讀[]here, atmosphere或[]where,there,特殊: [:]were; ⑦ire讀[ai];



⑨sion讀[],特殊: [] decision, conclusion,occasional,television;

⑩tion讀[],特殊: []suggestion,question

     ⒃ie通常讀 [:]achieve believe ;特殊[ai] society  science;特殊[e] friend


A.achieve          B.friend       C.science                  D.believe   


⑴ b  bomb,climb,comb,debt,doubt

⑵ c  muscle,science,scientist

⑶ d  handsome,grandpa,grandma,grandchild,


⑷ k  knee,knife,knock,know,knowledge,kneel

⑸ h  hour,honest,exhibition,forehead,


⑹ l  could,would,Lincoln

⑺ g  design,foreign,sign

⑻ r  iron

⑼ s  island

⑽ t  castle,fasten,often,whistle,Christmas,



A. husband       B. habit        C. hour          D. host 


