0  554  562  568  572  578  580  584  590  592  598  604  608  610  614  620  622  628  632  634  638  640  644  646  648  649  650  652  653  654  656  658  662  664  668  670  674  680  682  688  692  694  698  704  710  712  718  722  724  730  734  740  748  3002 

















17.一列簡諧橫波沿x軸正方向傳播,在t=0時的波形如圖所示,已知這列波在P點依次出現(xiàn)兩個波峰的時間間隔為0.4s,則下列說法中不正確的是(    )

















19.下列是某同學(xué)對電場中的概念、公式的理解,其中錯誤的是:(    )







A.MN對Q的彈力逐漸減小        B.地面對P的摩擦力逐漸增大

C.P、Q間的彈力先減小后增大     D.Q所受的合力逐漸增大


A.感應(yīng)電流所做的功為mgd          B.感應(yīng)電流所做的功為2mgd

6ec8aac122bd4f6eC.線圈的最小速度可能為6ec8aac122bd4f6e       D.線圈的最小速度一定為6ec8aac122bd4f6e










22.(1)如圖游標卡尺的讀數(shù)為                mm。










    1如圖所示,選取紙帶上打出的連續(xù)五個點A、B、C、D、E,測出A點距起始點O的距離為SO,點A、C間的距離為S1,點C、E間的距離為S2,使用的交流電的頻率為f,則C點的速度為         ,打點計時器在打C點時重錘的動能為         ,打點計時器在打O點和C點的這段時間內(nèi)重錘的重力勢能減少量為       。利用這個裝置也可以測量重錘下落的加速度,則加速度a的表達式為a=                  。







23.(16分)如圖甲所示為學(xué)校操場上一根輕質(zhì)豎直滑竿,為了研究學(xué)生沿竿的下滑情況,在竿頂部裝有一拉力傳感器,可顯示竿頂端所受拉力的大小。現(xiàn)有一質(zhì)量為50 kg的學(xué)生從上端由靜止滑下,滑到竿底時速度恰好為零。以學(xué)生開始下滑時刻為計時起點,傳感器顯示的拉力隨時間變化情況如圖乙所示,g取10m/s2。求:



















24.(19分)如圖所示,帶弧形軌道的小車放在光滑的水平地面上,車左端被固定在地面上的豎直檔板擋住,已知小車的弧形軌道和水平部分在B點相切,AB段光滑,BC段粗糙, BC段長度為L=0.75m,F(xiàn)有一小木塊(可視為質(zhì)點)從距BC面高為












































22、(16分)(1)10.55  (3分)     (2)                        (3分)





 (3)(10分)1(s1+s2)f/4,  m(s1+s2)2f2/32,  mg(s0+s1), 6ec8aac122bd4f6e(s2s1)f2;


23. (16分)(1)(6分)由圖知學(xué)生先勻加速后勻減速,1s末速度最大,設(shè)勻加速運動過程中加速度為6ec8aac122bd4f6e則有:6ec8aac122bd4f6e6ec8aac122bd4f6e (3分) 



6ec8aac122bd4f6e   (2分)

6ec8aac122bd4f6e   (3分)

6ec8aac122bd4f6e       (3分)

6ec8aac122bd4f6e      (2分)

24. (19分)(1)(5分)木塊從A滑到B點的過程,機械能守恒

6ec8aac122bd4f6e   (2分)

6ec8aac122bd4f6e   (3分)

(2)(9分)6ec8aac122bd4f6e6ec8aac122bd4f6e (3分)




6ec8aac122bd4f6e=2 6ec8aac122bd4f6e(3分)    方向:水平向左(2分)



則有:6ec8aac122bd4f6e                       (2分)

所以:6ec8aac122bd4f6e                            (1分)


則:qE1=mg                               (2分)

因為mg=qEcotα                           (2分)

所以E1=6ec8aac122bd4f6eE                              (1分)

電場方向豎直向上.                          (2分)


的垂線交x軸于O1,因∠O1PN =∠O1NP=300,ΔO1PN為等腰三角形,所以O(shè)1P=O1N,O1為油滴做圓周運動的圓心, 圓心角θ=6ec8aac122bd4f6e , 設(shè)O1P=R.

液滴做圓周運動的半徑:R=6ec8aac122bd4f6e                                  (2分)

油滴由M點到P點的時間:6ec8aac122bd4f6e                      (4分) 

油滴由P點到N點做勻速圓周運動的時間:6ec8aac122bd4f6e         (2分)

因為mg=qEcotα所以6ec8aac122bd4f6e                                   (1分)

所以油滴由P點到N點的時間6ec8aac122bd4f6e           (2分)























英  語


卷第13至l 4頁。滿分150分;考試時間120分鐘。












例:-Please tell me        of the city you have covered these two days.

     -Only about a third of it ,I guess.

A.how many   B.how much     C.how far    D how wide


1.--Thank you for lending me your bicycle.I’11 return it as soon as possible.

  一       .I’ve got another one to spare.

A.Nothing much      B.No hurry      C。Don’t mention it    D.No problem

2.Color shapes our view of                world and it may have             influence on our lives than many of us realize.

A.the;a              B.the;不填      C.the;the         D a;a

3.After          seemed hours of waiting in line,finally it was my turn to take the oral exam.

A that            B  it            C  what             D  which

4.-I thought you wew coming back from Japan next week.

-,I             to stay there for one more week,but I changed my mind.

  A?would have intended               B.had intended

  C?was intending                     D.have intended

5. Premier Wen jiabao was chosen“Person of the Year 2008”by 21st Century after discussion with readers because he was on the frontlines           he was needed.

A.wherever          B.however         C.if ever         D whenever

6一Did you finish reading the book last night?

-No.I just went           the third line on Page 100

  A.a(chǎn)s far as                            B as much as

  C.a(chǎn)s long as                           D as many as

7.So many directors                   ,the board meeting had to be put off

 A.were absent                     B benn absent

C.had been absent                 D.being absent-

8?-Clare,have you seen the hit New Year’s movie-If You are the One(非誠勿擾)?

                directed by Fang Xiaogang? I'm aftaid I haven’t seen          

  A?The。one;it        B.The one;one    C.One.it        D.One  one

9?--Isn’t David an efficient manager?

 --Er,David is really great but sometimes he has problems         his dieas.

  A?getting around                B.getting along

  C.gettmg acorss                D  getting off

10?He was expecting to have completed the job by now.             ,he’s only halfway through it .

 A.If so               B.As it is           C.That is         D In that case

11?--Would you like another orange?

  一Another orange?I            my first one yet.

  A?don’t have                   B.hadn’t had

  C?didn’t have                  D.haven’t had

12?一The winnier of the race is a tall and thin boy with thick glasses.

一Then it         be my friend,Mike,who looks like a“meat ball”,

A.might          B.can’t         C.mustn’t          D.should

13.―Any suggestions?

一You’d better            the last sentence as it is rather misleading.

A.put out         B?point out         C。leave out      D.pick out

14?It is said that the price of that beach house,which you were looking forward to buying,

    has fallen             a further 500 yuan a square meter。

   A?by           B.a(chǎn)t            C.with,        D.for

15?Dad is used to smoking and drinking.There’s no           that I’m able to talk him

   into getting rid of that old habit

   A?need           B.problem            C.chance        D。use

16?-I guess you might have missed your train to Shanghai yesterday.

一Well,I almost          。

 A-might            B.had          C.have            D .did

17:The policeman        the facts again and again,but couldn’t piece them together

A。got through     B.went over      C.picked up       D.turned over

18.Many experts hold the view              teacher development is.          the key to better education lies.

  A.Which;where              B.that;where

  C.which ;in which           D.that:in which

19.一I’m not the man            the phone.She asked for Jimmy.

    一I’m sorry 1 was mistaken.

  A  wanted on       B.calling over       C.called on    D.rung up on

20.--This experiment is of particular importance to a11 of us.

   -I see。We will carry on with it         we can get enough money.

  A?unless       B.though        C.whether      D,until






    Kenneth will never forget what happened on a dark night just before Chrisnnas in 1978.He saw a driver,an elderly woman     21     and kill an eight―year-old boy.  Later,when he saw how sad the boy’s family were,Kenneth made a(n)    22    .He wouId“do    23  it takes to make.24   happy at Christmas time.”

   Kenneth was not      25     ,but he bought a used Santa suit and went arouud  26  people as poor as himself to give candy and fruit to families who were eyen mote needy.

    Just before midnight on a wind-bitten Christmas Eve,he went knocking on doors of   27    

houses in the poorest section of a Nayaio Village,Many of the darkened homes didn’t have  28

    Some famwww.ks5u.comilies were      29     to open their doors so late at night.“It’s a man!He has a

big bag!”he   30   a boy,holding up a lantern(燈籠)and watching  31  the curtains,tetl his parents.Kenneth convinced them be was    32  .

  At every opened door,he     33      candies,oranges and toys。Many Navajo kids had never seen      34    before,so his old costume and store-bought beard didn’t  35  them.1t touched Kenneth that they were excited by so  36  。

    He     37    this up year after year,gathering“elves(精靈)”to help him.His Cbristmas

Eve     38    have grown into an annual Navajo feast with gifts of clothing,tools and toys for over 700 people。Kids who can’t     39  it to the event because they’re sick or lack transportation get a __ 40     visit from Kenneth or oue of his elves.

    “My grandfather taught me that you learn to be a man and a warrior by sharing and by keeping promises,”he Says.

21.A.touched          B found           C strike             D stopped

22.A.promises         B excuse          C, conclusion         D effort

23。A.whichever        B whatever        C however           D wherever

24.A。brothers         B his mother        C  the family        D children

25.A.rich            B small            C tall                D  strong

26.A.calling           B persuading       C suggesting         D requiring

27.A.bright           B lonely            C old               D big

28.A eleetricity         B windows           C doors            D food

29.A.a(chǎn)ngry          B eager             C happy              D afraid 

30.A.thought          B heard            C hoped             D let

31.A.out for          B from under         C from behind        D out of

32.A.helpful         B generous          C gentle             D harmless

33.A.picked ont       B handed out        C put  down         D  reached for

34.A.edndies        B Kenneth           C Santa  Claus        D toys

35.A.disappoint        B please             C attract            D satisfy

36.A。much           B little               C big                D many

37.A.took            B held                C gave              D kept

38。A.visits           B adventures           C excitements         D gifts

39.A.make             B do               C get                D have

40.A.usual            B formal             C personal           D normal






    You are at twww.ks5u.comhe check-out of a grocery store.  You are ready to pay for your food.   Then you find out that you have left your wallet at home!  What can you do?

Don’t worry,You just hove to put your finger near a special scanner,.  The grocery bill will be taken out of your bank accout

  We are not joking,

A new system that scans customers’ fingerprints and subtracts(除去)the grocery bill from their bank accouts has taken supermarkets in Germany by storm. Stores, school canteens and even bars are picking it up.

The Edeka suwww.ks5u.compermarket chain is the first retail(零售)business in Germany to use the new system . “Almost a quarter of our customers pay with their fingers,”said an employee at the headquarters.

    Edeka has tried the system at 70 of its supermarkets.It says it will introduce it at 200 others because customers like it

   “At first we thought that only the young who really keep up with the latest technology would be interested,but we were wrong,”said Stenfan Sewoester from IT Werke.

  “Almost two-thirds of the people who use the system are 40 and older,”he said.

   IT Werke.,a computer company, is one of the pioneers of fingerprint payment software in Germany .It has helped about 150shops ,canteens and bars to put in the fingerprint scanning machines.  Each cost about 2.000 euros (20.000yuan)

To sign up for the service,customers must have their fingerprints taken and 1eave,her    addresses and banking details with the shop.The shop then takes the cost of goods directly out of the customer’s bank account。   

  “It is especially a good thing for elderly people。Now they do not have to remember their pin(密碼)to pay with their bank cards,or to look around for their glasses cash.” Sewoester sald.    .

The stores bwww.ks5u.comenefits from the system too.  It saves mor than time in the check-out line.  It also cuts out the hidden costs of accepting electronic card payments.

41.Which of the following would be the best title of the passage?

  A  A New System          B Fingerprint Scanning

  C.Money it Not Needed!    D Pay with Finger

48 How is ihe bill www.ks5u.compaid wher~people are paying their bill with their flngetprint?

  A.The bill will be posted to the customer’s home.

B The money will he taken directly from the customer’s bank account.

  C.The money is to be paid through electronic card payment.

  D。The customer must pay the money and confirm it with their fingerprint.

43。Which is NOT an advantage of the new invetion so far?

  A.Time will be saved。

  B。Customers don’t have to remember their pin number.

  C.Stores can save a certain amount of money.

 D  Castomers don’t have to pay their bil with money wherever they go.

44?The writer of the text seems to           

  A.hold a neutral attitude toward this scanner

  B。think that the new scanning machine does good only to customers

.C.expect that it’will soon spread around

 D?believe that middle―aged people are more likely to aceept new things



   James Blunt is one of the most popular singers in the UK。His firm album唱片),Back to Bedlam,and his number one hit,You're Beautiful,brougbt him fame in 2005。His music is a mix of pop,rock and folk。

    Blunt comes to China for the first time this month.  He will hold two concerts, one in Beijing and one in Shanghai On April 18 and 19 respectively.

    Blunt,34,took an unusual path to stardom.His father was a soldier and so was his grandfather。

   “The only music he heard growing up was‘Happy Birthday’and‘Silent Night”. His father considered all music,even classical,to be unnecessary noise,”reads Biunt’s official website.

     Even though Bhmt did not want to join the military(軍隊),he eventually followed his father’s wishes,and served as a soldier in Kosovo on peacekeeping duty。

     “Like any parents,mine wanted me to have a secure job with a regular wage and career prospects,”Blunt said.“And the one job my father knew of,that he’d had experience of himself,was the army,so he could help me in that direction.’’

    Blunt eventually became a Captain.One of his final duties in the army before retirement was carrying the coffin(棺材)at the funeral of the Queen Mother of England in 2002.

But Blunt couldn’t escape his love for music.So,after leaving the British Army he moved to Los Angeles and worked on his first album.While in LA,Blunt lived with the actress Carrie

Fisher,who played the lead female role in the Start,Wars movies.He recorded his song,Goodbye My Love,in her bathroom,where she kept a piano.

    Blunt took his new albura back to England where it was not very successful.But he kept performing and eventually his song,You’re Beautiful,became a number one hit.

    Now Blunt has won numerous awards,sold millions of records and dated super-models.

    But his greatest accomplishment might be that his father now enjoys music !

45.All of the following belongs to Blunt EXCEPT          

    A.Silent Night                 B.Back to Bedlam

    C.Goodbye My Lover           D.You’re Beautiful

46.Which of the following proves“Blunt took an unusual path to stardom”?

    A.Blunt was 34 when he became famous.

    B.Blunt recorded his most famous song in a bathroom.

    C.Blunt’s father wanted him to have a secure joh.

    D.Blunt began to pursue a career in music after military service.

47.We can infer from the passage that

    A.Blunt is living in Los Angeles at present

    B.Blunt rose to fame two years after he left the army

    C.Blunt has changed his father’S attitude towards music

    D。Blunt became successful immediately he recorded his first song

48.What is the Passage mainly about?

    A.Blunt’s visit to China.     B.How Blunt became famous.

    C.Blunt’s military life.       D。How Blunt’S father fell in love with music.



    South Korea,the country that created the world’s first cloned dog,plans to use duplicated(復(fù)制)dogs to sniff out(聞出)drugs and explosives(炸藥).

    The Korean Customs Service uncovered last Thursday seven cloned Labrador retrievers(拉布拉多獵狗).They are trained near lncbeon International Airport,west ot Seoul。The dogs were born five to six months ago after being separately cloned from a skilled drug-sniffing  dog.Officials said using cloned dogs could help reduce costs ,due to the difficulties in finding dogs that are qualified for the jobs.

    The cloning work was carried out by a team of Seoul National University scientists?In 2005 they successfully created the world’s first known dog clone,an Afghan hound(獵犬)namad,Snuppy.The team is led by Professor Lee Byeong-chun

   The seven new cloned male dogs are all healthy.For now,they share the same name:“Toppy”。一a combination of the words“tomorrow”and“puppy”.

    “They are active and excel in accepting the training,”said Kim Nak―seung,a trainer at

the Customs Service’s dog training center.

    In February,aII seven dogs passed a behavior test aimed at finding whether they ate geneticaliy qualified to work as sninffing dogs. Only 10 percent to 15 percent of naturally born  dogs typically pass the test.

    If the cloned dogs succeed in other tests for physical strength,concentration and sniffing  ability,they wi|ll be put to work by July next year at airports and harbors accros South Korea.a(chǎn)ccording to the training center.  Officials say the cloned dogs could also save money?

   “We came up with the idea of dog cloning after thinking about how we can have a superior


breed(品種)at a cheaper cost,”said Hur Yong―suk,head of tlie training center?

    Normally,only about three out of every 10 naturally born dogs it trains--at a cost of abotlt $ 40,140 each―ends up qualitying for the job.

    Lee 0f SeouI Nationai University said it cost about $ 1.00,000 to $ 150,000 to clone each of the seven golden Labrador retrievers.

49.What’s the main iden of the passage?

A.The first cloned dog in South Korea.

B.How to train dogs to sniff out drugs and explosives

C.Cloned dogs wIn be used to saiff out drngs and explosives?

D.Cloned drug-sniffing dogs will take the place of natural ones?

50.Which of the following is NOT the benefit of cloning drug―sniffing dogs?

   A.It helps to reduce costs.

   B.It’s easy to clone drug-sniffing dogs.

   C.The training effect is much better.

   D.It can help to improve quality of drug一sniffing dogs。

51.What can we learn from the passage?

  A.It’s difficult to find dogs that are qualified for drug-sniffing.

  B.The dogs are cloned from Afghan hound.

  C.The seven cloned dogs,male or female,are all healthy.

  D。The cloned dogs are good at accepting the training but are a little passive.

52.Before the cloned dogs are put to work,they must pass the following tests EXCEPT

A.behavior test                B.concertration test

C.physical strength test          D.mental test



  The Invention of Hugo Cabret,by Brian Selzniek,is a novel like no other.There are pages of exciting events and then suddenly。wait!A picture with tiny details,then a big piecture that takes up the whole page--and the next page,and the next page,and the next! The pictures are actually telling the story.It’s like a book and a movie all in one.

    I recently had the opportunity to talk with Selzniek about his unique novel.1 wanted to know just how he came up with the concept of writing a novel that reads like a picture book.

“Because the book is so much about movies and the history of cinema,I also wanted to figure

out how to make a book that is also 1ike a movie,”said Selznlek.

   Writing and illustrating(作插圖)the book was a long and hard process,Selznick said. One of the challenges was figuring not what the story was really about and what happened to the main character,Hugo.Selzniek also had to figure out how to make the narrative and the pictures work together to tell the story.

  Selznick has actually spent most of his career as an illustrator and really considers him。 self more of an artist than a writer.‘‘I’ve always drawn,ever since 1 was a little kid.1 was

encourged to draw,and so that’s what I feel most comfortable with,”he said.

    He still enjoys many of the things he liked as a kid.That’s why it's not so hard for him to think about what kids would like to read in a book.In fact,sometimes he feels like a kid himself.

    But sometimes figuring out what was going to happen in the story was not easy,he told me?He had no idea what the story was going to be about when he started writing.He didn’t know if it was going to be sad,adventurous,or exciting.Selznick turned to friends for advice on the book.For now,Selznick doesn’t plan on writing a sequel(續(xù)篇)to the book,but he warns,“You can never say never.”

53.The Invention of Hugo Cabret is           

A.a(chǎn) novel on which a movie has been based

B.a(chǎn) novel only using pictures explaining series of events

C.a(chǎn) book which tells children how to draw pictures

D?a book packed with pictures―a combination of words and drawings

54.It can be inferred that the text is          

  A.a(chǎn)n introduction to an unusual novel

  B.a(chǎn) summary record of an interview

  C.a(chǎn) biography of the novelist Brian Selznick

  D.a(chǎn)n ad persuading kids into buying the novel

55?According to Paragraph 4,working with pictures is    for Selznick.

  A.difficult    B.embarrassing  C.natural     D.troublesome

56?What does Selzniek mean by saying“You can nevef say never”?

  A?It’s hard to say whether he will continue writing the book.

  B。It is such a difficult book that he won’t continue it.

  C.He will never give up writing a sequel to the book.

  D He will never write a novel like The Invention of Hugo Cabret.



    You are only as old as you feel,it is said.But soon scientists will be able to calculate

your real“physiological(生理的)age”.

    Researchers studying genes believe they can now ten exact physiological age by looking at a number of clues in DNA.They don’t have to ask people how they feel or look at their appearance.

    The breakthrough could solve the mystery of why some 70-year-olds function at the level of those in their 50s,while others become frail(虛弱的)sooner than you would think?

    The researchers made the breakthrough by finding the“biomarkers”of aging in tiny worms(蟲子).

    The worms they studied had all average lifespan(壽命)of three weeks.Like humans’some remain lively much longer than other similarly-aged worms,while others show signs of premature aging?

    By genetieally profiling(基因識別)104 different worms at various ages,the researchers found a group of genes that are involved in the aging process?

“This is a first step;our results were not perfect,but we were able to predict the ages of the animals 70 percent of the time,which is far better than anything that has been done before.”said



Sireon Melov。the lead researcher at Buck Institute for Age Research in california。



     Now they want to extend their Stlidles to mice and eventually humans.



“l(fā) am confident that at some point there will be a non-subjective(主觀的)method of determining how old someone is with a high level of confidence,”said Melov.

    The speed at which people age depends on a number of things including genetic inheritanee(遺傳),lifestyle and mental health.

    Determining chronological(按時間順序的)age in both worms and humans is easy-count forward from birth.But determing physiological age has remained subjective-based on how someone looks or functions.

    The findings have special meanings for age research in humans.Examining biomarker。Over time would provide a scient.fic basis for anti―aging medicines.The technology would also provide a means of determining whether a person is aging faster or slower than people would normally think.

57.The passage mainly talks about           

A。the new finding of gene studying

B.the relationship between genes and the age

C.the breakthrough in mental health

D.biomarkers of ageing,in tiny worms

58.The researchers’next goai is to study

A.tiny worms    B.biomarkers    C.humans           D mice

59。Which of the following statements is TRUE?

  A.The researchers have found biomarkers of ageing in humans.

  B.The researchers are able to predict the ages of the humans 70 percent of the time

  C.People’s ageing depends oil genetic inheritante,lifestyle and mental health,etc.

  D.There will be a simple method of determining how old someone is。

60.In the future,scientists will ____          

  A.produce effective anti-ageing medicines

  B.find a group of genes that are involved in the ageing process

  C.determine physiological age subectively

  D.set up an institute to calculate humans’real age







A:But…but how are you today?  61    

B:I'm not.I have a sore throat,and I cough,especially at night.So I can’t sleep very well,

A:Oh!        62       

B:Yeah,I’ve got a fever.

A:Um,I think you’ve got the flu.I suggest you take a day off and go back home to have a

  good rest.

B:Sounds great.But I have to prepare my speech for the conference。     63    And yesterday

  they asked me for the summary.

A:  64  

B:I had no time for it and there’s no way,until I finish the summary.

A:  65  

B:Sure.Thank you.

A.What’S wrong with you?

B。Did you go to the clinic?

C You know,it’s only five days from now.

D.You don’t look very well.

E.Take your time and take good care of yourself.

F.Could you do me a favor?

G.Have you got a temperature?
















英  語













    The problem of“white pollution”causes by used plastic                  66.            

is becoming increasingly serious,in that plastic shopping bags                67.            

play a important role,In China about three billion plastic                    68.            

shopping bags are consumed every day,which results a grea.t                69            

waste of resources and heavy environmental pollution.Lucky,              70            

the government has been put a nationwide ban on the use of                    71            

free plastic bags,demand that all stores and supermarkets not                72            

provide customer with free plastic bags after June 1.The rule                 73            

has undoubtedly reduced the use of plastic bags.It is suggested that           74             

we should turn to cloth bags and shopping baskets since now on.              75            





    3.參考詞匯:版權(quán)--copyright;新潮一trendy;名牌--famous brand(s)

  Recently Shanzhai has become a hot topic and a household phrase!癝hanzhai”products

such as cellphones and MP3s are almost everywhere,but different people react differently.










H     1 C   12   N   14   O   16   S   32   C  64   Zn   65   Ag   108

第1卷 (選擇題   共126分)











第1卷  (選擇題140分)













地  理

第Ⅰ卷  (選擇題  共60分)




6.北京奧運會“水立方”游泳池中的水主要是通過砂濾、臭氧、活性炭來凈化的,下列有關(guān)說法不正確的是         ( 。








